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She shuddered, "But I feel sure, somehow, that your friend the American will be able to do something." They went on talking until their tête-

I was always an American talking to an Italian. The boss was always an American talking to a Dago. This seemed to me a great disadvantage. It ought to be just a foreman to his man or one man to another. The chance to acquire a new language I thought had passed with my high school days, but down here everyone was learning English and so I resolved to study Italian.

These do not come from the Government, but from the people themselves. But the Government can and should always be expressive of steadfast determination, always vigilant, to maintain conditions under which these virtues are most likely to develop and secure recognition and reward. This is the American policy.

"It's a pity we can't see it," said Geoffrey. "Yes; it's the only big thing in the whole darned country," said a saturnine American, sitting opposite; "and then, when you get on to it, it's just a heap of cinders." Asako was not worrying about the landscape.

Of all the "isms" so prevalent during the forties, "Agrarianism" alone came close to modern socialism, as it alone advocated class struggle and carried it into the political field, although, owing to the peculiarity of the American party structure, it urged a policy of "reward your friends, and punish your enemies" rather than an out and out labor party.

Oliver was in quite a state of excitement; and after they had left the hotel, and were driving up the Avenue, he explained to them that their future in Society depended upon the outcome of this visit. Calling upon Mrs. Devon, it seemed, was the American equivalent to being presented at court.

You see, Sophy, I'm going to spend the rest of my life here in America, become an American citizen. Now, what about Hynds House?" "You may have it," I said. "At my own price?" he demanded. "At your own price. Did you think I would haggle with you?" "No. It's I who intend to haggle with you. I'm going to make a tremendous bargain. There's something that must go with the house.

But here, in Atuona Valley, the hoot of the owl, the kouku, which in Malay is the ghost-bird, the burong-hantu, seemed to deepen the silence. Does not that word hantu, meaning in Malay an evil spirit, have some obscure connection with our American negro "hant," a goblin or ghost?

I was lunching the other day with an American military observer, and he spoke of the parade step and the effect it had on him. "Did you ever see it?" he demanded. "Have you any idea of the moral effect of that step?

"W'at," said the eldest of the dark-faced, black haired British blondes of Jewish race, "w'at are we going to give at Montrehal?" "We're going to give 'Pygmalion, at Montrehal," answered the British blonde of American birth, good-humoredly burlesquing the erring h of her sister.