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An hour later he pointed out the Almena's number flying from the masthead of the steamer. "He's telling on you, boys," he said. "He knew you when you helped him, and used you, of course. Your reputation's pretty bad on the high seas. See that signal-station ashore there? Well, they're telegraphing now that the pirate Almena is coming in. You'll see a police boat at quarantine."

The first man to climb the Almena's side-ladder from the tug was the shipping-master, and after him came the crew he had shipped. They clustered at the rail, looking around and aloft with muttered profane comments, one to the other, while the shipping-master approached a gray-eyed giant who stood with a shorter but broader man at the poop-deck steps. "Mr.

As they climbed the gangway they were met and welcomed by Captain Benson, who led them to the poop, the only dry and clean part of the ship; for the Almena's crew were holystoning the main-deck, and as this operation consists in grinding off the oiled surface of the planks with sandstone, the resulting slime of sand, oily wood-pulp, and salt water made walking unpleasant, as well as being very hard on polished shoe-leather.

Then, in the persons of a scandalized health-officer, a naval captain, a revenue-marine lieutenant, and a purple-faced sergeant of the steamboat squad, the power of the law was rehabilitated on the Almena's quarter-deck, and the strong hand of the law closed down on her unruly crew.

Four days later, one of the Almena's boats, containing twelve men with sore heads, disfigured faces, and clothing ruined by oily wood-pulp, ruined particularly about the knees of their trousers, came wearily into the roadstead from the open sea, past the shipping, and up to the landing at the custom-house docks.