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The ordinary bronze was employed for weapons and common amulets; the brazen alloys served for household utensils; the bronzes mixed with gold and silver were destined only for mirrors, costly weapons, and statuettes of value.

They were to be over an inch thick, an unnecessary thickness, perhaps, but they had no need to economize weight, as witnessed by their choice of steel instead of light metal alloys throughout the construction. The three men had arrived late that afternoon in a small helicopter, and had gone directly to the shops to see what progress had been made.

Steel, the strongest of all forms of iron, is an alloy of iron and carbon, and for various purposes these are further mixed with nickel and silicas. Many other alloys have been discovered within the last few years, and each makes possible new uses for iron requiring greater strength. One of the best of these is a mixture of iron and silicon, called ferro-silicon.

This instrument cannot be used to follow variations of temperature, but indicates clearly the moment when a particular temperature is attained. It is of course entirely dependent on the accuracy with which the melting-points of the various alloys have been fixed. Yet another principle is involved in the instrument called the thalpotasimeter, which may be used either with ether, water, or mercury.

Fused alloys consist of one or several solutions of the component metals and of a certain number of definite combinations. Their composition may thus be very complex: but Gibbs' rule gives us at once important information on the point, since it indicates that there cannot exist, in general, more than two distinct solutions in an alloy of two metals. Solid alloys may be classed like liquid ones.

Two molecules of the monohydrochloride and one molecule of the dihydrochloride form a mixture which melts at about 20°. Although many fusible alloys have been long known, I believe no true eutectic metallic alloy had been studied until Dr. Guthrie worked at the subject, employing the same methods as with his cryohydrates.

This product was known fully seven hundred years before the Christian era, and was used in the making of guns until superseded by the various steel alloys of our day." "In what proportions are copper and tin united to make bronze?" "The proportions vary greatly.

A thousand workmen are employed in the Spanish mines, above or under ground. It freezes at an exceedingly low temperature, and was found solid during midwinter by the traveller Pallas. Of the other metals, some used as medicines, or pigments, or to form alloys, we have not time now to speak.

I found it lying on the scorched foundation, reduced from a sleek, red bicycle to a meteor-like lump of distorted alloys. But of all the sketches I could have written for The Last Incarnation, perhaps the most telling would have been the story of "Rama and the Enlightenment of Women." "Certainly we welcome men into our organization," Rama often announced.

I have not space to describe in detail the many accessories which went to form the complete sword for the strong man armed in old Japan, or the elaborate and artistic ornamentation of every detail. In many of the small pieces of metal work which adorned the swords gold, silver, platina, copper, iron, steel, zinc, besides numerous alloys were used.