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And now those hoof-beats up the road were coming closer, and Folsom, too, could hear and was listening, even while studying Loring's face. Suddenly a faint gleam shot across the darkness overhead. Glancing quickly upward, both men, deep in shadow, saw that the eastern window on the southern side was lighted up. Out in the alleyway, low yet clear, a whistle sounded twice.

But I guess you and I will have some more talk after a while, after Theodore Watling gets to be United States Senator. Give him my regards, and and come in when I can do anything for you, Mr. Paret." Thanking him, I groped my way downstairs and let myself out by a side door Monahan had shown me into an alleyway, thus avoiding the saloon.

The strain upon the muscles, trained and hardened as they were, told. As he moved from the bottom step, he wiped little beads of perspiration from his forehead. The door, now, that gave on the alleyway!

"When Danny threw the ice at me it flew past and broke Mr. Ringley's window." "What, of the shoe store?" "Yes. Mr. Ringley came running out after both of us. I ran one way and Danny ran another. I ran into the alleyway past Jackson's barn, and got over the fence, and he didn't come any further." "Does Mr. Ringley think you broke the window?" "I guess he does. Anyway, he followed me and not Danny."

This proved to be agreeable to the others, and in another moment they were absorbed in the start of the game. Carefully edging his way over to the side door, he waited till no one was looking at him, then opened the door and slipped through not into an alleyway, but into another room!

He hated himself and he hated the fate that had brought about his humiliation. When his mind went back to the hour alone in the alleyway he was puzzled and stopping in the darkness listened, hoping to hear again the voice outside himself that had so short a time before put new courage into his heart.

Along the side street the first corner was at the beginning of a broad back alley that ran parallel with Main Street. Along this alleyway they turned. "By looking up at the windows," suggested Prescott, "we may get some glimpses of the dance that are not so apparent when you're up in the hall."

The dog growled and went on guard forthwith. "Now, we'll have a look inside." The alleyway door stood open and, using his lantern with the utmost care, Coquenil went first, mounting the stairs slowly, followed by Gritz. At the top they came to a narrow landing and a closed door. "This opens directly into Number Seven?" asked the detective. "Yes." "Is it usually locked or unlocked?"

It was his watch on the main engines, you see, twelve to four. Our berth was flooded. There was a couple of inches of water on the floor, and at every sea the water flew through the leaky joints of the dead-lights, all over old Croasan. To and fro on the floor my slippers were floating and a torn magazine swam into the room from the alleyway as I opened the door.

Blind with fury he lurched into the port alleyway; in consequence of which the fugitive, fleeing ahead of the captain down the starboard alleyway and thinking to turn down the port alleyway and double back to complete his labors at the sterncastle door, bumped squarely into the chief engineer. Mr. Reardon said no word, but wrapped his arms round the man and held the latter close to his breast.