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The last remark was addressed to a horse standing in one of the stalls. A clap of thunder had set the animal to prancing. "Your horse feels rather uneasy," I remarked, glad of a chance to change the subject. "Allers acts that way when there's a storm going on. Too bad, too, for I want to hitch him up and take Mr. Woodward and another man that's with him over to Darbyville." As Mr.

In Alice MacGowan's Judith of the Cumberlands, old Jepthah Turrentine says of one of his sons: "I named that boy after the finest man that ever walked God's green earth and then the fool had to go and git fat on me! Think of me with a fat son! I allers did hold that a fat woman was bad enough, but a fat man ort p'intedly to be led out and killed!" Spartan diet does not put on flesh.

Before he stretched himself on the floor for the night, he expressed this opinion to the cook by saying, "Yer know, Dinah, white folks is allers mighty wide awake de night afore dey gits up." To his surprise, however, Mr. Fitzgerald made his appearance at the stable just as he was beginning to comb the horse.

"Well, as I was 'bout to say, you mus' promise me on your word ob honour, dat you'll neber go alone to see your fadder, but allers in company wid Sally; dat you neber, neber speak to him, an' dat you neber make you'self know'd to him till de right time comes." "These are hard conditions, Peter, but I see the reasonableness of them all, and promise at least I promise to do my best."

An' yet said aborigines engages in plays which a eddicated Eastern taste with leesure on its hands an' gropin' about for entertainment would pass on as romantic. "When I'm pesterin' among the Osages on that one o'casion that I'm tryin' to make a round-up of my health, the old buck Strike Axe relates to me a tale which I allers looks on as possessin' elements.

"Eh! but, Moll, wot 'as come o' yer word, as you'd take no more notice o' them, since them two little orphans runned away last winter?" "There's no manner o' use in twitting at me, John. A stray child allers reminds me so desp'rate hard o' Charlie, and then I'm jest done for. 'Twill be so to the end. Hany stray 'ud do wot it liked wid Mammie Moseley. But eh!

"It appears to me that you might see that I have," replied Hannah plainly. "Well, no; seems to me, my dear, you're the same as you allers was, both as to looks and as to temper." "I feel that I am very much changed. And so are you, Reuben! How gray your hair is!" she said, looking critically at her old admirer. "Gray! I believe you!

Then he sat down with the frail form in his arms and looked earnestly at her with his deep piercing eyes. "Where's the ole hoss," began his wife, her eyes beginning to snap. "You've traded him off an' I'll bet you got soaked, Hillard Watts I can tell it by that pesky, sheepish look in yo' eyes. You never cu'd trade horses an' I've allers warned you not to trade the ole roan."

"I'll be careful," said Nigel, beginning his invisible supper with keen appetite. "But how about my skull, Moses? Is there a bulkhead between it and your heels?" "No, but you don't need to mind, for I allers sleeps doubled up, wid my knees agin my chin. It makes de arms an' legs feel more sociable like." With this remark Moses ceased to encourage conversation his mouth being otherwise engaged.

Louey at the time I was tellin' you, and it's allers a p'int of honor with me to keep my agreements." "Couldn't yees be doing that, and this same thing, too?" "Can't do't. S'pose I should git on the trail that is lost, can yer tell me how fur I'd have to foller it? Yer see I've been in that business afore, and know what it is.