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Next, the Intellect informs us that we must think of the Absolute as containing within Itself all the Power there is, because there can be no other source or reservoir of Power, and there can be no Power outside of the All-Power. There can be no Power outside of the Absolute to limit, confine, or conflict with It.

These ideas are ridiculous, for an Absolute, Infinite Reality, must possess All-Knowledge; All-Power; All-Presence, else it is not Absolute and Infinite. And, if It does not possess these attributes of Being, then It can never hope to acquire them, for there is Nowhere from whence they could be acquired there is no Source outside of the All-Source.

"God, therefore, is the Divine Power that creates and sustains all things the All-Power, the All-Intelligence, the All-Mind, the All-Love, the All-Substance, the All-Harmony, the All-Life, the All-Good, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. This is the one Creator, 'one God who is Father of all, over all, and in all.

Then Christian Science is effectual if not much is the matter, but is not in the case of a serious illness? I don't think she wanted to get better. Is that the way you look at it? No, I don't. I know God is all-power and ever present. But if God is all-powerful, as you say, and as we all know, why did you have no response? I suppose it was my lack of trust in that all-power.

Again receiving an unsatisfactory answer the determined buyer consults the manager and finally he finds where the article can be bought. That is the whole secret of concentrating on getting what you want. And, remember, your soul is a center of all-power, and you can accomplish what you will to. "I'll find a way or make one!" is the spirit that wins. I know a man that is now head of a large bank.

This is the only way open to them and even the Absolute cannot have it otherwise, and still be the Absolute. There is a fine point here the Absolute is All-Powerful, but even that All-Power is not sufficient to enable It to destroy Its Absolute Being.

The Eighth Deep is the Forefather from whom and by whom all forefathers exist. The Ninth Deep is the All-Father, Self-Father, in whom is the All-Paternity of those who are Self-Fathers of the all. The Tenth Deep is the All-Power, from whom all powers have gone forth. The Eleventh Deep is that in which there is the First Invisible, from whom have gone forth all invisibles.

It would confirm the existence of higher beings, whom we have called angels, and of an ever-ascending hierarchy above us, in which the Christ spirit finds its place, culminating in heights of the infinite with which we associate the idea of all-power or of God. It would confirm the idea of heaven and of a temporary penal state which corresponds to purgatory rather than to hell.

I have seen in many lands men bringing to their houses water from the hills in heavy stone jars. Gravitation was meant to do that work, and to make it leap and laugh with pearly spray in every woman's kitchen. The good Father has offered his all-power on all occasions to all men. I desire that the works of God should keep their designed relation to thought.

It draws close to the centre of all-power, wisdom and love, and drinks deep of the living waters of life so that even the very face or flesh begins to shine under the influence of this self-polarization if I may be permitted to use this word through prayer. Here is the causa nuxus between a prayer and its sure reply.