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These ideas are ridiculous, for an Absolute, Infinite Reality, must possess All-Knowledge; All-Power; All-Presence, else it is not Absolute and Infinite. And, if It does not possess these attributes of Being, then It can never hope to acquire them, for there is Nowhere from whence they could be acquired there is no Source outside of the All-Source.

Her painful hesitancy brought Frona to a realization of her own thoughtlessness. But she had made the step, and she knew she could not retrace it. "We will go back together," she said, bravely. And in candid all-knowledge of the other, "I do not mind." Then it was that the blood surged into the woman's cold face, and her hand went out to the girl in the old, old way.

Maurice had an overwhelming impulse to drop his weakness into endless, ageless, limitless Power; his glimmer of self-knowledge, into enormous All-Knowledge; his secrecy into Truth. An impulse to be done with silences. "God knows; so Eleanor shall know."

There was a voice above me. An old goat, the venerable image of all-knowledge, of sneering and bearded sin, was contemplating me. It was a critical comment of his that I had heard. Embarrassed, I put away my book. XII. An Autumn Morning

But it is worth noticing that, like almost every other salient trait of the American character, this American desire to become a universal specialist this reaching after the all-culture and all-knowledge is an essentially Anglo-Saxon or English characteristic. The German may be content to spend his whole life laboriously probing into one small hole.