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The alimentary mucous membrane, especially that of the lower ileum and cæcum, is exposed to infection by swallowed sputum and by food materials, such as milk, containing tubercle bacilli.

The alimentary canal consists of a single digestive cavity passing through the whole body, as in Worms, the anterior part of which is surrounded by a large liver. What is true of the Lobsters is true also, so far as class-characters are concerned, of all the Crustacea. Highest in this type are the Insects, and among these I include Spiders and Centipedes as well as Winged Insects.

" Plague bacilli may be found in fleas from four to six days after they have sucked the blood of an animal dying with plague. " The numbers of plague microbes in the infected fleas and bugs increase during the first few days. " The fæces of infected fleas and bugs contain virulent plague microbes as long as they persist in the alimentary canal of these insects.

It is a part of the lining membrane of the cavity of the abdomen, called Transverse colon. 2. Duodenum. 3. Small intestine. 4. Pancreas. *The Peritoneum.*—The peritoneum is to the abdominal cavity what the pleura is to the thoracic cavity. It forms the outer covering for the alimentary canal and other abdominal organs and supplies the inner lining of the cavity itself.

As storehouses of food the cereal and the vegetable are, for the greater part, the work of man. The fundamental species, a poor resource in their original state, we borrowed as they were from the natural treasury of the vegetable world; the perfected race, rich in alimentary materials, is the result of our art.

When meat eaters are debilitated no other food seems to act as kindly as meat, given with fruits or vegetables. When properly prepared and taken in moderation meat digests easily and is quite completely assimilated. Many make the mistake of living too exclusively on starch and taking it in excess. The result is fermentation and an acid state of the alimentary tract. Dr.

Naturally we cannot consider cathartics of any kind, notwithstanding their power to produce temporary results. In all cases the after effects of their use are seriously destructive to the delicate nerves controlling the alimentary canal and its functions in general. Cathartics invariably make the real condition more obstinate and serious.

They would collect them, fold them, and with the special fecundity of their species, if their stay on this land was a lengthy one, it would be easy to have quite a flock of quadrupeds, and a yard full of poultry. But on this occasion, Godfrey wished to keep to such alimentary resources as the coast could furnish, either in eggs or shell-fish.

The larvæ of the various dung-beetles utilise their alimentary residues in rough-casting their houses, which by their dimensions lend themselves to this method of disposal, while evading the necessity of opening temporary windows by which the ordure can be expelled.

This apparatus combines the functions of locomotion and respiration. But the process of breathing seems to be mostly carried on in the tail. The tracheæ are here collected in a large mass, sending their branches into folds of membrane lining the end of the alimentary canal, and which act like a piston to force out the water.