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We have provided him lodgings in the priory. The new hall is not to be dwelt in till the night when the happy pair enter it and make it their home. Alfgar's cup of joy is full. Monday after the Whitsun Octave. At last it is over. The weary waiting of ten years is ended. Alfgar and Ethelgiva are man and wife. Canute gave away the bride in person.

The forces are all to meet at Dorchester as soon as man and horse can get there." "Where did they land?" "The great fleet came to Sandwich, and they are advancing westward as fast as they can come." "Are they merciless as ever?" "Worse." "The fiends!" said Bertric bitterly; and then seeing Alfgar's saddened face, said, "Oh, I beg pardon," which made matters worse.

"Alfgar," said the bishop, "this counter-accusation cannot be received; have you aught else to urge?" "None. I commit my cause to God." The court retired. The pause was long and painful. It afterwards transpired that the bishop pleaded in Alfgar's favour, while Herstan ably seconded him; but all was in vain.

That they should think I, or any one else than Edric, could have done such a deed, such an evil deed!" Elfwyn and Herstan both left the scene, the more convinced of Alfgar's innocence, but yet the more puzzled to convey their impression to others. Meanwhile the arrangements for Edmund's burial were made.

A strange discovery has been made which interests us all greatly. At the time of Alfgar's trial at Oxford, Herstan fancied there must be a secret staircase communicating with Edmund's room, but sought it in vain.

"Drink first, then, and drown care," said Sidroc, and gave the brutal tyrant a bowl of rich mead. He drank, drank until it was empty, then fell back and reposed with an idiotic smile superseding the ferocious expression his face had so lately worn. Meanwhile a hand was laid upon Alfgar's shoulder, and a keen bright eye met his own, as if to read his inmost thoughts.

"Before he enters I must remind you all," said Edric, "that the word of a Dane is to be opposed to that of a Christian." "I have already said that Alfgar is a Christian." But Edric had already, by his adroit suggestion about St. Brice's day, predisposed the company to doubt the genuineness of Alfgar's conversion. A long pause succeeded, which no one seemed to care to break.

He fully accepts Alfgar's suit, but postpones the day till peace seems established, that is "sine die." It is very hard to make Alfgar reconciled to this. I try to do so. July 1009. Bad news. Thurkill's fleet has landed at Sandwich. August 1009. Worse news.

We all received him, especially my brother Elfwyn, with great joy for we shared Alfgar's happiness and we led him into the house, where we tendered him all the offices of hospitality. It was by degrees that we learned his story. He was really converted to Christianity by the example of his son, whose words produced a far deeper effect upon him than either he or Alfgar suspected at the time.

Alfgar's name, indeed, still lives in the village of Algar-Kirk; and Lady Godiva, and Algar after her, enriched with great gifts Crowland, the island sanctuary, and Peterborough, where Brand, either her brother or Leofric's, was a monk, and in due time an abbot.