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Vanstone; I am sorry to see you suffering to-day. Mrs. Lecount, permit me to introduce my niece my niece, Miss Bygrave. My dear girl, this is Mr. Noel Vanstone, our neighbor at Sea-view Cottage. We must positively be sociable at Aldborough, Mrs. Lecount. And why not? Are we formal people on either side? Nothing of the sort; we are just the reverse.

Without waiting to remove her shawl or to take off her hat, she opened her writing-case and addressed these lines to Captain Wragge as fast as her pen could trace them: "You will find the money I promised you inclosed in this. My resolution has failed me. The horror of marrying him is more than I can face. I have left Aldborough. Pity my weakness, and forget me. Let us never meet again."

Trust to me and my books to satisfy any amount of inquiry. In the meantime write down our new name and address, and see how they strike you: 'Mr. Bygrave, Mrs. Bygrave, Miss Bygrave; North Shingles Villa, Aldborough. Upon my life, it reads remarkably well! "The last detail I have to communicate refers to my acquaintance with Mrs. Lecount. "We met yesterday, in the grocer's shop here.

Then my interpretation of the letter is clearly the right one. The proof Mrs. Lecount relies on is my wife's infernal ghost story which is, in plain English, the story of Miss Bygrave having been seen in Miss Vanstone's disguise; the witness being the very person who is afterward presented at Aldborough in the character of Miss Bygrave's aunt. An excellent chance for Mrs.

It was a bright, exhilarating day; pleasure-boats were sailing on the calm blue water; Aldborough was idling happily afloat and ashore. Mrs. Wragge recovered her spirits in the gayety of the prospect she amused herself like a child, by tossing pebbles into the sea.

Wragge had arrived at Aldborough without being properly aware of the total transformation to be accomplished in her identity and her name. The necessity of setting this doubt at rest was too serious to be trifled with; and Captain Wragge instituted the necessary inquiries without a moment's delay. "Stand straight, and listen to me," he began. "I have a question to ask you.

I can't get over the horror of marrying him while I am in this hateful place; take me somewhere where I can forget it, or I shall go mad! Give me two days' rest two days out of sight of that horrible sea two days out of prison in this horrible house two days anywhere in the wide world away from Aldborough. I'll come back with you! I'll go through with it to the end!

The landlady could give me no information; but the moment I mentioned your name, she asked if I was related to you; and when I told her I was your cousin, she said there was a young lady then at the hotel whose name was Vanstone also, who was in great distress about a missing relative, and who might prove of some use to me or I to her if we knew of each other's errand at Aldborough.

Mrs. Lecount has a brother in Switzerland," he went on, addressing himself to the captain "a brother who is seriously ill. If he gets worse, she will have to go the re to see him. I can't accompany her, and I can't be left in the house by myself. I shall have t o break up my establishment at Aldborough, and stay with some friends.

The labeled side of the bottle was full in view; and there, in the plain handwriting of the chemist at Aldborough, was the one startling word confronting them both "Poison." Even Mrs. Lecount's self-possession was shaken by that discovery. She was not prepared to see her own darkest forebodings the unacknowledged offspring of her hatred for Magdalen realized as she saw them realized now.