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In a moment they were considered, and the prisoners rushed to throw themselves overboard, when several pairs of hands seized them by the shoulders. They had been watched; and flight was utterly impossible. This time they did not yield without resisting. They tried to throw off those who held them. But these men of the "Albatross" were no children.

Immediately the last suspensory screw stopped spinning, and the "Albatross" dropped into the abyss. It was a fall of ten thousand feet for the eight men who were clinging to the wreck; and the fall was even faster than it might have been, for the fore propeller was vertical in the air and still working!

Those powerful birds can fly for two hundred leagues without resting for a moment, and with such rapidity that they sweep through vast spaces in a few hours. The departing albatross sat motionless upon a high rock, at the end of the bay of Christmas Harbour, looking at the waves as they dashed violently against the beach.

This column bore two inscriptions; the first read as follows: "On the 19th of August, 1878, the 'Vega' left the Atlantic to double Cape Tchelynskin, en route for Behring's Straits." The second read: "On the 12th of August, 1879, the 'Albatross, coming from Behring's Straits, doubled Cape Tchelynskin, en route for the Atlantic." Once again Tudor Brown had preceded the "Alaska."

"Now if you're in earnest about all this, draw that bath quick. Then I'll believe you." Half an hour later Code, bathed, shaved, and feeling like a different man, was luxuriating in fresh linen and a comfortable suit. "Look here, Martin," he said to the valet, "of course I know that this is no more the gunboat Albatross than I am.

Lee's assistant on the "Albatross," and is well fitted by experience and by a vigorous participation in athletics at college before his graduation in '88.

The names of these I cannot pretend to give, except the monarch of them all, in size and majesty of flight, the albatross, of unsullied white, as its name implies the king of the southern ocean.

But, thanks to her extraordinary speed, the waters of the Hydaspes taken in the vale of Cashmere still filled her tanks in the center of the African desert. Was the "Albatross" seen by the Arabs, the Mozabites, and the Negroes who share amongst them the town of Wargla? Certainly, for she was saluted with many hundred gunshot, and the bullets fell back before they reached her.

In an evil moment in the spring of 1909, a predatory individual of Honolulu and elsewhere, named Max Schlemmer, decided that the wings of those albatross, gulls and terns should be torn off and sent to Japan, whence they would undoubtedly be shipped to Paris, the special market for the wings of sea-birds slaughtered in the North Pacific.

But what we do know is that the southern pole is colder than the northern one a phenomenon due to the position of the earth in its orbit during winter in the antarctic regions. During this day there was nothing to show that the storm was abating. It was by the seventy-fifth meridian to the west that the "Albatross" crossed into the circumpolar region.