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One letter was longer and heavier than the rest, and its covering, sweat-stained and worn at the edges, came apart in her hands, exposing several pages of type-writing in the Spanish language. The opening words challenged her attention. In the name of God, Amen, Alaire read.

Alaire Austin, in the remotest depths of her being, was still a child. Of late her prince had assumed new characteristics and a new form. He was no longer any one of the many shapes he had been; he was more like the spirit of the out-of-doors a strong-limbed, deep-chested, sun-bronzed creature, with a strain of gipsy blood that called to hers.

On this particular evening he was anything but the man of iron she had known until she ventured to speak of Ed. Then he closed up like a trap. He was almost gruff in his refusal to say a word about her husband. Because of Ed's appropriation of the ranch cash, Alaire found it necessary a few days later to go to the bank, and, feeling the need of exercise, she rode her horse Montrose.

Alaire checked this outburst with a sharp exclamation: "Don't make a scene! Don't you understand he holds over fifty thousand dollars' worth of La Feria cattle? Don't you understand we can't antagonize him?" "Is that what he came to see you about?" "Yes." She bit her lip. "I'll explain everything, but you must help me send him back, right away."

Make haste! said he, 'That house obstructs my view." Seeing that Alaire was deeply interested in this recital, the old lieutenant paused dramatically. "Well, the capitan explained that an army was insufficient to take that house; that it meant death to all who approached. I was not present God be praised! but others told me what happened.

"I hope you aren't afraid of firearms," she panted. "I've owned this gun for years." "I am rather a good shot," Alaire told her. Paloma closed her lips firmly. "Good! Maybe we'll come in handy, after all. Anyhow, I'll bet those Mexicans won't chase Dad and Dave very far." José Sanchez was true to his declared purpose.

How did you find it?" "Not very promising. It needs a lot of wells." "I haven't been out that way since I was a boy. Think you'll lease it?" "I don't know. I must find some place for those La Feria cattle." Austin shook his head. "Better leave 'em where they are, until the rebels take that country. I stand mighty well with them." "That's the trouble," Alaire told him.

Paloma had brought with her the long-barreled Winchester rifle, and this she clutched nervously as she and Alaire stood whispering.

Even yet he could not put much faith in Phil Strange's words nevertheless, there might be a danger threatening Alaire; and if so, it was time to act. Phil watched his friend saddle the bay mare, then as Dave tied his Winchester scabbard to its thongs he laughed nervously. "You're loaded for bear." The horseman answered, grimly: "I'm loaded for José Sanchez.

I do hope you have no more misfortunes." "You stay to supper," Blaze urged, hospitably. "I'll be in as soon as that tarantula's gone." But Alaire declined. After a brief chat with Paloma she remounted Montrose and prepared for the homeward ride. At the gate, however, she met Dave Law on his new mare, and when Dave had learned the object of her visit to Jonesville he insisted upon accompanying her.