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The Airedales that have struck the writer as the best he has come across are Master Briar, Clonmel Monarch, Clonmel Marvel, Dumbarton Lass, Tone Masterpiece, Mistress Royal, Master Royal, Tone Chief, Huckleberry Lass, Fielden Fashion, York Sceptre and Clonmel Floriform. Nearly everyone of these is now, either in the flesh or spirit, in the United States or Canada.

"Just a minute," cautioned Garrick, listening. The barking of the Airedales had ceased suddenly. Cherry was straining at her leash to go. "They have winged the two dogs," exclaimed Garrick. "Yes we must try it now at any cost."

The Airedales and the Sealyham can also run about alone as soon as they get used to obeying you. But the little dogs must never be let off the leash unless they are watched every instant, for something might happen to them." "I'll be careful." "That's right; do." The woman gave him a pleasant nod of farewell and walked with springing step back in the direction of the house.

Anyhow, he'd like to have some peace and quiet once in a while in his own house, he says, instead of all this moil and turmoil, and because the doctor said all the matter with her was she eats too much candy, and they keep sendin' more all the time and there's somep'n the trouble with grandpa: it makes him sick to smell violets: he had it ever since he was a little boy, and he can't help it; and he hates animals, and they keep sendin' her Airedales and Persian kittens, and then there was that alligator came from Florida and upset Kitty Silver terribly and so, you see, grandpa just hates the whole everlasting business."

Holland Buckley and other keen enthusiasts seem to have recognised to a nicety exactly what was required to give a necessary fillip to the breed; they appear also to have founded their club at the right moment, and to have offered such an attractive bill of fare, that not only did everyone in the south who had anything to do with Airedales join at once, but very shortly a host of new fanciers was enrolled, and crowds of people began to take the breed up who had had nothing to do with it, or, indeed, any other sort of dog previously.

Two big Airedales thudded up and down in greeting to their mistress. I spoke of their unusual size. Madame Gonne-McBride, taking the head of one of them between her hands: "They won't let any one arrest me again, will they?" She is tall and slim in her deep mourning her husband was killed in the rebellion of 1916.

"The Belgian and Airedales have been boarded out during the winter and have not seen the others for months. So, you see, this is a sort of reunion for them and they have to bark to show their delight. Moreover, they have had a long trip and are tired and hungry. I am going to feed them now and this meal will last most of them until to-morrow at the same hour."

Metoosin ought to be along with the dogs inside of three or four days, an' when we get that bunch of Airedales in action, there'll be some fun." Langdon sighted at the fire through the polished barrel of his rifle, and said doubtfully: "I've been having my doubts about Metoosin for a week back. We've come through some mighty rough country."

In 1883 the committee of the National Show at Birmingham included three classes for Airedales in their schedule, which were fairly well supported; and three years after this recognition was given to the breed in the stud-book of the ruling authority.

With beeg place like you got you need good watch dog. Hey? What you say?" "What's the breed, Joe?" I asks. Joe gawps at me disgusted. I expect such ignorance was painful. "Wot kind?" says he. "Wot you t'ink? Airedale." "Oh, yes! Of course, Airedales," says I, like it was something I'd forgotten. And then I scratches my head. Hadn't I heard Vee sayin' how she liked some particular kind of a dog?