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I'm as easy as an old glove, but a glove aint an old shoe to be trod on, and I think a certain person will find that out afore he is six months older, or else I'm mistakened, that's all. Hopin to hear from you soon, I remain yours to command, Pugnose's Inn, River Philip, Dec. 25,1836.

Piney slashed at some brilliant sumach by the wayside and his mobile lips jerked and quivered. "I should have supposed that she was older well, than you," said Bruce, trying to set himself right. "May be in what she knows, aint in what she feels, not as I keer " The boy was so deliciously new to his own emotions that they flashed away beyond his control, minute by minute.

"Aw! they aint a-going to come up or down," exclaimed the other, who was too good a rebel to believe that Union troops could by any possibility gain a foothold in the seceded States. 'The fighting must all be done on Northern soil. That's what our President said, and I reckon he knows what he was talking about." "Perhaps he don't.

"You aint as bad as some," she conceded, a dim smile breaking through the clouds. "You mean Smugg," I observed. "Who told you?" she cried. "Joe," said I. "Seems he's got a lot to say to everybody," she commented resentfully. "Ah! he told your mother, did he? Well, you know you shouldn't, Betsy." Robertson." "What! Not to Joe?" "Joe! No; that Smugg." "But Joe told of you."

I don't suppose those friends of Mr. Williams who are so good to you would mind me coming as far as the door." "Yes, they would," said Grannie, "they wouldn't like it a bit." "Now, Grannie, that's all nonsense, you know," said the young man. "No it aint, my lad, no it aint. You've just got to obey me, David, in this matter. I know what I know, and I won't be gainsaid."

And Donald, moist-eyed in spite of himself, took her hand in both of his, and expressed his feelings and relieved the tension at the same time by saying: "Hepsey Burke, for all your molasses and the little bit of vinegar you say you keep by you, 'there are no flies on you' as Nickey would put it." At which sally Jonathan slapped his knee, and ejaculated: "No! there 'aint, by gum!

Emmeline held up her doll to see ITS shadow, and Mr Button held up his pipe. "Come now," said he, putting the pipe back in his mouth, and making to rise, "and shadda off to bed; it's time you were aslape, the both of you." Dick began to yowl. "I don't want to go to bed; I aint tired, Paddy les's stay a little longer."

But my brother, that boy was stubborn. Soon he say he aint going to stay there. And he left. In about a year, maybe less, he come back and he told me I didnt have to work for Old Goforth, I was free, sure enough free, and I went with him and he got me a job railroading. But the work was too hard for me. I couldnt stand it. So I left there and went to my mother. I had to walk.

One young fellow in a green box coat, addressed himself to these dumplings in a most direful manner. "My boy," said the landlord, "you'll have the nightmare to a dead sartainty." "Landlord," I whispered, "that aint the harpooneer is it?" "Oh, no," said he, looking a sort of diabolically funny, "the harpooneer is a dark complexioned chap.

"Well, it didn't matter much, seein' as you was the only child, and big enough to take care of yourself." "Still, aunt, it would have been comfortable if he had left me a few thousand dollars." "Aint you doin' well? You look as if you was," said Deborah, surveying critically her nephew's good clothes.