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"Yes," said Helen thoughtfully. "An idea of that sort had occurred to me from something that Chigmok had said. But how dreadful it is to think that a man can so conspire to to " She broke off without completing her words, and Stane nodded. "There was always a crooked strain in Ainley. But it will go hard with him now, for the half-breed will be merciless.

The two who heard him, looking at his resolute face, had no doubt that he would keep his word, and as each reflected what he must have been through, neither was sorry for Gerald Ainley or had any compunction at the thought of what might happen to him. The meal was finished without any further reference to the past, and after a smoke, Anderton threw on his furs and went outside.

I suppose the mating instinct is the one elemental thing left in the modern world." "It is the one dominant thing," answered Ainley, with such emphasis of conviction that the girl looked at him in quick surprise. "Why, Mr. Ainley, one would think that you that you " she hesitated, stumbled in her speech, and did not finish the sentence. Her companion had risen suddenly to his feet.

Ainley owned up, and Jarlock let the thing go, for old acquaintance' sake. But just about the time of your trouble he left the 'Varsity and went on a trip to the Cape, and it was a full year after before he even heard what had befallen you. It made him think of his own affair with Ainley, and when he met me months afterwards he took me into his confidence.

There was a flash in his blue eyes, a grim look in his face, and instinctively Helen Yardely knew that the matter which lay between this man and Gerald Ainley was something much more serious than forced deportation.

She grand person who make' ze tour with ze governor." "Oh, the governor makes the tour, does he?" "Oui, oui! In the old style, with a brigade of boats, and a bugler. A summer trip, vous comprenez a picnic to all ze posts in ze province. Thus it is to be a great man!" "And Mr. Ainley, what is he doing at Fort Malsun?" "Ah, M'sieu Ainley! He also is ze great man.

But in that case why had they dealt with him after this fashion? Then again he seemed to hear the Indian speaking. "It is an order!" "Whose order?" As his mind asked the question, he visioned Gerald Ainley, and was suddenly conscious of a great anger.

"Yes, he told me in confidence, after he had heard of Stane's denial of the charge for which he was imprisoned. You see he believed in Stane, as I did myself " "And you would make me the scapegoat for Stane's crime." Ainley laughed harshly. "I will see you hung first," he cried. He broke off abruptly as a sound of yelping dogs sounded from the wood, and stared into the darkness.

Ainley watched him in amazement, and then as Stane held the paper towards him, and he bent over it, a look of consternation came on his face, and a quick oath broke from his lips. "God in heaven!" "You had better put that paper in safety, again, Stane," said the policeman quickly. "Ainley recognized it first glance." "It's a lie," cried Ainley. "I've never seen the thing in my life before!"

He had owned that he had attacked the cabin and captured her for a price, a great price paid by a man who loved her. Was that man Gerald Ainley? It was an odd coincidence that he should have been waiting just where he was, which was quite evidently the place where the half-breed had been making for.