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You’re going over to the Spafford house to-night, ain’t you? and there’s going to be a lot of folks there. Of course we all know all about it. It’s been planned for months. And my cousin Hannah Heath has an invite. You can’t think how fond Miss Amelia and Miss Hortense are of her. They tried their level best to make David pay attention to her, but it didn’t work.

‘He’s very fond of whistling,’ said Tibbs, with a slight smirk. ‘Yes—I ain’t,’ was the laconic reply. Mr. John Evenson was in the receipt of an independent income, arising chiefly from various houses he owned in the different suburbs. He was very morose and discontented.

Some shelter for cattle you must have by the look of these traps,” pointing to the wagons. “I don’t want my horses to be kept standing out in this storm, you know.” “No, Major. Why no, cert’n’y; Marion’s ain’t over a mile, and——” “Conf—!” muttered the Colonel; “but it’s over the river, which I don’t intend to ford to-night under any consideration.”

An’ I guess she had plenty to be scared at ef I ain’t mistaken. That dandy Temple feller went there to call on her, an’ I heard him tinklin’ that music box, and its my opinion he needs a wallupin’! You better go after her! It’s gettin’ late and you’ll have hard times finding her in the dark. Just you foller her path in the wheat, and then make fer them pines.

"That ain’t no great news to me," said Joshua. "Joshua Whittlesey, you make my blood boil. Things is goin’ rackin’ and ruinin’ at a great pace here an’ you as cold as a cauliflower over it all." Joshua sorted potatoes phlegmatically and said nothing. "S’posin’ I’d ’a’ wanted to marry him?" Joshua continued to sort potatoes. "Or, s’posin’ you wanted to marry her?" Joshua looked up quickly.

I called her plain Cactus till she was three, and along came a sharp studyin’ the flowers an’ weeds out here, and he ’lowed that Cactus was a boy’s name an’ Cacta was for girlscalled it a feeminin tarnation, or somethin’ like that, so we changed it. My second daughter ’ain’t got quite so much of a name. She’s called Clematis.

Reckon marster ain’t much used to ridin’." By this time they had reached the gate spoken of by Mr. Edson. To Mr. Wilmot’s great surprise the horse walked tip to it and tried to open it with his mouth! Mr. Wilmot was so much amused that he would not suffer Jim to get down and open the gate, as he wished to see if the horse could do it.

Now, Marse Benson, w’at happen to yo’ las’ night am all in de co’se ob a lifetime, an’ Ah hope you ain’t got no bad feelin’s. Yo’ suttinly done learn somet’ing new in de way ob tricks. Good-bye, sah, an’ mah compliments to yo’, Marse Benson.”

It listens like it, too, only this here show is all fi-nally, with Bingle’s Band playin’ circus tunes an’ the supes hollerin’ like they seen real money." He was a merry ruffian, and he controlled the "coke" graft in the 50th while Heinie was perpetual bondsman for local Magdalenes. "Well, ain’t we in Dutch us three guys!" he remarked with forced carelessness. "We sure done it that time."

Fill up your belly an’ take some ease. Then if we do have this little lady gittin’ us up tonight, you’ll be ready for it. I’ll see t’ th’ stud an’ th’ mule. That colt’s not a wild one." Kells surveyed Shiloh knowingly. "No, I seed he was gentle-trained when you come in." He ran his hand down Shiloh’s shoulder, touched the brand. "Spur R? That ain’t no outfit I heard tell of before."