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"A mere scratch on the temple," said Edgar, "yet sufficient, with surrounding circumstances, to account for the temporary madness that assailed him. Fear not, Aileen, he is safe now, through God's mercy, and you shall soon be safe beside him."

Come now, pull yourself together, Aileen!" For answer she merely rocked and moaned, uncontrolled and uncontrollable. Being anxious about conditions elsewhere, he turned and stepped out into the hall. He must make some show for the benefit of the doctor and the servants; he must look after Rita, and offer some sort of passing explanation to Sohlherg.

Aileen murmured: "Look at Miss Stetson's face. She doesn't know whether to frown or smile. She will lose her reason presently." "Oh, why need the Empress have come in at all. We were having such fun and " Sally paused significantly.

The land knows it's hard enough for a married woman to try to keep up with one man in a few things, but when it comes to a lot of old maids and unmarried girls trying to catch up all the time with the men in everything, and catch on too, I must say I, for one, draw the line." Aileen could not help smiling at this diatribe on "the times."

I'm all right, 'Lias; go back to your work, I'll just help myself to a cup of hot water from the tea-kettle and then I'll go home with Tave I see him coming for me I didn't expect him now." "But, Aileen, won't you stay to supper?" said the twins at one and the same time; "we always have you to celebrate our checkerberry picnic."

I rode back to town with Aileen and Gracey; said good-bye a hard matter it was, too and sloped off to where my horse was, and was out of sight of Turon in twenty minutes. In about half-an-hour back comes the same cabman and puts a note into Bill Dawson's hand. He looks at it, stares, swears a bit, and then crumples it up and puts it into his pocket.

"While we're traveling we might as well see what we can find in the way of pictures and so on." Aileen was thrilling with anticipation. "Oh, Frank," she said to him, quite ecstatically, "you're so wonderful! You do everything you want, don't you?" "Not quite," he said, deprecatingly; "but it isn't for not wanting to. Chance has a little to say about some of these chings, Aileen."

Only think of that." "So that our chief occupation would have been gone," said Aileen, with a slight twinkle of her lustrous blue eyes, "and perhaps you and I might never have met."

"I guess there's some mistake somewheres; anyway, you better stay in my room till you see what happens. We haven't heard anything yet, and they'd likely send word pretty soon if there's to be any change in the program. You say she fell ?" But just then sounds of excitement came distantly up to them and Aileen hastened back to the gallery to listen.

I thought of selling my jewels and furs and laces, or pawning them and raising the amount he only had my I.O.U. for that sum. But I didn't know where to go. So I told Aileen. She wouldn't hear of my disposing of my things, said it would, be all over town in twenty-four hours. "I tried. You will remember. Then Nick began to haunt me. He whispered in my ear wherever we met. I was nearly frantic.