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Aha! my young friend, how is it you grow first red and then white when I mention Miss Halliday's husband?" I have no doubt that I did indeed blanch when that portentous word was uttered in conjunction with my darling's name. Mr. Sheldon leant a little further across the table, and his hard black eyes penetrated a little deeper into the recesses of my foolish heart.

The king had come early to have a sort of divinity ascribed to him. His chief name was the Horus name. Menes was the Horus Aha; Cheops was the Horus Mejeru; Pepy II was the Horus Netery-khau. But he was also the son of Ra, the sun-god, endued with life forever. The king was a god, and it could only be that in his future life he shared the life of the gods.

Just as you began speaking I happened to look toward the cabin, and saw through the cracks between the logs that the window on the other side was open. Close to one of those cracks, and directly in line with the window, was a head. I knew it was Dan's head the moment I saw it." "Aha!" exclaimed Don. "He had his trouble for his pains this time, hadn't he?

Perceiving the which, two youthful esquires that rode near by nudged elbows, and set their heads together. "I know yon look aha! 'tis the goldsmith's fair young wife. There have been lovers who loved love ere now Pan, see you, and Jove himself they say: but Pan was coy, and Jove " "Hist, he beckons us!"

I'm a war correspondent, unattached just at present, but following the German army. My name is Archibald Grahame." At the name of the great war correspondent Jack stared, then impulsively held out his hand. "Aha!" said Grahame, "you must be a correspondent, too. Ha! I thought I was not wrong." He bowed again to Lorraine, who returned his manly salute very sweetly.

'Yes I think I was once, she murmured. 'Aha! And were you ever kissed by a man? A pause. 'Well, were you? said Miss Aldclyffe, rather sharply. 'Don't press me to tell I can't indeed, I won't, madam! Miss Aldclyffe removed her arms from Cytherea's neck. ''Tis now with you as it is always with all girls, she said, in jealous and gloomy accents.

"Only a few minutes longer, then we part. I have greatly enjoyed your company." Another shout. "Aha!" said Raven, glancing round. "It is, I verily believe it is my old friend Sergeant Crisp. Only two of them, by Jove! If we had only known we need not have hurried." Another shout, followed by a bullet that sang over their heads. "Ah, this is interesting too interesting by half!

Presently, at the far end of the passage, Bennet hove in sight. He seemed to be alone, and he carried in his hand a burning torch, which made him the better mark. "Stand, Bennet!" cried Dick. "Another step, and y' are dead." "So here ye are," returned Hatch, peering forward into the darkness. "I see you not. Aha! y' 'ave done wisely, Dick; y' 'ave put your lamp before you.

"Nor I," he agreed. "But I had to know. And I feel better now. I'm not afraid for Lyn, since I know she got away from them." Piegan, at this moment, set up a jubilant hallooing down the river, and shortly came rushing back to us. "Aha, I told yuh," he cried exultantly. "That was her crossed the river this mornin'. I found her track in the sand.

The Savoyard, seeing us, put his arch head on one side, showed all his white teeth in that happy smile so peculiar to his race, and in which poverty seems to beg so blithely, and gave the handle of his instrument a turn. "Poor child!" said I. "Aha, you pity him! but why? According to your rule, Mr.