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"Hair-powder is as bad as snuff," said Mary, preferring the former subject; "there's old Mr. Butler of Cooling, his wig is so large and full of powder that when he nods his head I am sure to sneeze." "Ah, but all these are accidents, young lady," said Mr. Malcolm, put out by this block to the conversation, and running off somewhat testily in another direction; "accidents after all.

"He ought to be a better, Tom; for I think he'll never have my weight to carry. Well, saddle Brown Bess for Mr. Philip. What horse shall I take? Ah! here's my old friend, Puppet!" "I don't know what's come to Puppet, sir; he's off his feed, and turned sulky. I tried him over the bar yesterday; but he was quite restive like." "The devil he was!

'He shall never have her, eh? 'What on earth do you mean? 'Ah! what do I mean! 'Precisely, what do you mean? And also, and at the same time, who the devil are you? 'It is as a friend I come to you. 'Then in that case you may go; I happen to be over-stocked in that line just now. 'Not with the kind of friend I am! 'The saints forefend! 'You love her, you love Miss Lindon!

I went out and found a dirty-looking old scamp, with his coat collar turned up round the nape of his neck." "Did he say that his name was Tantaine?" exclaimed Andre. "Ah! was that his name? Well, it doesn't matter.

Yes, but the lungs were not always attacked. Tuberculosis, like other things, follows the line of least resistance. Her brain could never have been very strong. "Her brain was as strong as yours or mine, sir. You don't know; she has had a miserable life." Ah, any shock or strong excitement, or any great drain on the system, was enough to bring on brain fever.

Then he leant against the parapet and prayed passionately, for he knew that the conventions would claim him soon. God was beyond them, but ah, how far beyond, and to be reached after what degradation! At the end of this childish detour his wife awaited him, not less surely because she was only his wife in name. He was too weak.

They massacred them in great numbers; and, at last, Mehemet Ah beguiled four hundred and seventy of their leaders into the citadel of Cairo, and closed the gates, and ordered his mercenaries to fire upon them. But one man escaped. He leaped his horse from the ramparts and escaped unhurt, although the horse was killed by the prodigious fall. "Now, let us apply this teaching of history.

To be more impressive the sexton put his finger to his forehead, closed his left eye, and said in a singsong voice: "Oh, the madness! oh, the unclean Judas! If you really are a human being and not a witch, you ought to think what if he is not the mechanic, or the clerk, or the huntsman, but the devil in their form! Ah! You'd better think of that!"

"Oh! yes, I daresay; but I had rather not." Alec said nothing. Kate would not trust him then! He would not have thought much of it, however, but for what had passed before. Would she have gone with Beauchamp if he had asked her? Ah! if he had asked Annie, she too would have turned pale, but she would have laid her hand in his, and gone with him.

"Yes, but in regard to myself, my lord, it cannot be so, for I was removed from the Chatelet to the Bastile owing to an order from your eminence." "You think you were." "I am certain of it." "Ah, stay! I fancy I remember it. Did you not once refuse to undertake a journey to Brussels for the queen?" "Ah! ah!" exclaimed Rochefort. "There is the true reason!