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When they were reached, Joseph contrived to entangle his ladder and to bring himself to a stand-still, with every appearance of naturalness. "My blessed!" he mumbled, "this here's a disgrace to the parish, gaffer. Theer's nothin' in all Heydon Hay as can put a patch on it. Thee bissent agoin' past this, beest? Her's as small-sperited as a rabbit the widder is."

"Well, but Tommy," continued old John, "you was agoin' to tell us somethin' about this Mister Smeaton. What sort of a man is he?" "As far as I can judge, on short acquaintance," replied Potter, "he seems to be a man who has got a mind and a will of his own, and looks like one who won't be turned out of his straight course by trifles.

"They can't ditch me, I kinder guess, an' nobody ain't agoin' to grab this crate if I have to shoot up the hull mob o' galoots."

A comforting welcome awaited us from some old salt, who uttered the cheering announcement that it was 'agoin' to be a roughish night. On this night there was an entertainment announced at the 'Rooms, and to pass away the time I looked in.

Paying no attention to his pleadings and his groanings the men stood Ted up against a tree. Then the rope brought from the car was wrapped around both boy and tree several times. "Get busy, Wash, and scrape up all the dead leaves you can find. Then begin and pile up some brush and stuff. Oh! yes, it's a cold night, but we ain't agoin' to let a poor critter what's lost his way, suffer.

Oh! life's a very fine thing when you're young; but youth's tur'ble quick agoin' the years roll slow at first, but gets quicker 'n quicker, till, one day, you wakes to find you 'm an old man; an' when you'm old, the way gets very 'ard, an' toilsome, an' lonely." "But there is always memory," said I.

I thought mebbe you was agoin' to poke your nose into my business; and that is something I won't put up with from nobody. If thar's anything I do understand, it's Indians." This was true, but it sometimes happens that luck is not on the side of those who know the most.

He shut the booby door and then came back and opened it slightly. "I wa'n't agoin' to let no Simpson carry you to no train, noway." The tears came into Northwick's eyes, and he tried to say, "Why, thank you, Elbridge," but the door shut upon his failure, and Elbridge mounted to his place and drove away.

I know'd as how dey's agoin' to git you, and so I just come along to help you out de scrape." Here the conversation ceased for the present. Leland had stretched himself upon the ground, and the pain of his wound increased. A savage noticing this, prepared a sort of poultice of pounded leaves and herbs, and placed it upon his side.

"Your command ceased when you lost your ship, and I ain't agoin' to obey your orders; no, nor take any of your cheek." "The emigrants chose to accept me as their commander, at least for the present," retorted Malines, fiercely.