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And no doubt the merchant believed all that was told him, and what was worse that he fully impressed his own convictions upon her Majesty and Lord Burghley, to say nothing of the comptroller, who, poor man, had great facility in believing anything that came from the court of the most Catholic King: yet it is painful to reflect, that in all these communications of Alexander and his agents, there was not one single word of truth.

From the particulars he was preparing I formed the idea that he intended, and intends, sending an army of agents all over the world who, at a given signal, will release the germs in the growing wheat." "But surely a few germs sprinkled on a great wheatfield such as you find in America would do no more than local damage?" Beale shook his head. "Mr.

And the importance of this lever for political purposes can neither be gainsaid nor easily overstated. In every little town and village which sends a quota of emigrants to the transatlantic liners, agents of the various steamship companies are always about and active.

Independent in spirit, turbulent in action, the backwoodsmen revolted not only against excessive taxes, dishonest sheriffs, and extortionate fees, but also against the rapacious practices of the agents of Lord Granville.

I must praise the men who were engaged in this business, for they were not only teamsters, but errand boys expressmen we would call them now as well as purchasers of provender and general commercial agents of the Association; and their combined tasks were hard and difficult. Busy, driving Glover Drew and Buckley Hastings filled this office faithfully and long.

Its will is the agent, and its purpose is the action done. The second type assumes that 'ideas' struggling with one another are the agents, and that the prevalence of one set of them is the action. The third type believes that nerve-cells are the agents, and that resultant motor discharges are the acts achieved.

The child you thought without a friend, whom you hoped would perish unknown, is even now preparing to assert his rights, and drive you, titled bastard as you know yourself to be, from your usurped position. Your agents have confessed, and nothing can save you from the merited punishment of your crimes. Repent, weep tears of penitence over this poor form, and make your peace with God.

It was ascertained that two agents had been stationed by the postmaster of the Grand Duchy of Berg at Hamburg, in a village called Eschburg belonging to the province of Lauenburg. There the courier from Berlin was stopped, and his packets and letters opened.

I saved the republic at Nantes; my life has been devoted to my country, and I am ready to die for it." Out of five hundred voters, four hundred and ninety-eight were for the impeachment; the other two voted for it, but conditionally. The Jacobins finding their opponents were going from subordinate agents to the representatives themselves, regarded themselves as lost.

Do you remember the preachers, the travelling agents, that put up with us? how they snarled at other churches, and helped themselves out of the shop, as if to be a man of God implied a mean beggar? I don't say my father was a hypocrite when he made you a colporteur, and so one of them; but" He paused. Even in this frothy-brained fellow, his religion or his doubt lay deeper than all.