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Here Lady Brandon, finding Erskine at her side, and Sir Charles before her with Gertrude, looked round for Trefusis, with whom she intended to enjoy a trifling flirtation under cover of showing him the flowers. He was out of sight; but she heard his footsteps in the passage on the opposite side of the greenhouse. Agatha was also invisible.

But I ought to apologise for thus talking of family matters, which cannot interest you." "On the contrary, they do very much!" cried Agatha; and then blushed at her own earnestness, at which Nathanael brightened up into positive warmth. "How kind you are! how I wish you knew my sisters!

"It falls as naturally, as necessarily to her," said he, "as Agatha does to one or other of my sisters. It can be no sacrifice on their side, for it is highly comic." A short silence followed. Each sister looked anxious; for each felt the best claim to Agatha, and was hoping to have it pressed on her by the rest.

I'm awfully glad you drove over." Agatha smiled. The action was so characteristic of the man. She had once found no fault with Gregory's careless habits, and his way of thrusting a difficulty into the background and making light of it had appealed to her. It had suggested his ability to straighten out the trouble when it appeared advisable.

"She's white, of course, and she's no bigger than you, Betty. She isn't as pretty, I'll have to say that. But let's talk about something else. How am I to catch Agatha? It's imperative. 'Gad, it's life or death, Betty." "What do you mean?" she asked, startled. He swallowed painfully two or three times as he scraped the edge of the rug with his foot, looking down all the while.

Death shall be welcome to me," and he raised his hands to heaven, and then dashed them against his breast. "Oh! how dearly welcome! Yes, heroic death upon the battlefield shall calm this beating heart shall quell these agonized pangs. I will not live without you. I will not endure to see another man aspire to the hand which has been refused to me. Adieu, Agatha, adieu!

I learned afterward that for some time before the child took the fever she had been ailing and ill. It was such a strange life. Thinking over it afterward, it seemed to me more like romance than reality. A year passed before the dream of my life was fulfilled and Agatha came to Crown Anstey. I need not to say how happy we were.

For the next ten minutes Agatha had a confused notion of being taken through many rooms and passages, hovered about by Mrs. Dugdale, her flounces, and her lively talk of trying to answer a dozen questions per minute, and being so bewildered, that she succeeded in answering none, save that she had met Mr. "Not the least, my dear. I always thought the same! You'll love him heartily in a week I did!

It was not due to the realisation that she had lost all hope of having him for her own; it was, instead, the discovery that her small girlish love for him had been the most trivial of infatuations and not real passion. She laughed because she had pitied Agatha and Green and herself; she laughed, moreover, in memory of her deliberate eagerness to assume Agatha's burdens for purely selfish reasons.

Hastings let the matter drop, and they went back rather silently to the hotel, while as soon as supper was over she bade Sproatly get their waggon out and drove away with Agatha.