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It is well, Mademoiselle; such is our reward in this life." "Et vous, Mademoiselle? vous etes proprette et douillette, et affreusement insensible, par-dessus le marche." "But, in short, Monsieur, now I think of it, you must live somewhere? Do tell me where; and what establishment of servants do you keep?"

It had come in a moment, wakened into quivering being by the caressive notes of the dear French voice "mais je suis jeune, et mon coeur est gueri, et il lui manque affreusement de la foi, de la tendresse, de de" adorable catch of emotion "de l'amitie." Friendship, indeed! For amitie all but her lips said amour. He walked beneath the wintry stars, a man in a perfect dream.

A lady very like her subsequently kept a milliner's shop in the Rue du Helder at Paris, where she lived with great credit and enjoyed the patronage of my Lord Steyne. This person always spoke of England as of the most treacherous country in the world, and stated to her young pupils that she had been affreusement vole by natives of that island.

As for the landlord of the hotel, his curses against the English nation were violent for the rest of his natural life. He asked all travellers whether they knew a certain Colonel Lor Crawley avec sa femme une petite dame, tres spirituelle. "Ah, Monsieur!" he would add "ils m'ont affreusement vole." It was melancholy to hear his accents as he spoke of that catastrophe.

Plume glanced at the latter, a pencil scrawl of his wife's inseparable companion, and, for aught he knew, confidante. "Madame," he could make out, and "affreusement" something, but it was enough. The orderly supplemented: "Leece, sir, says the lady is very bad " "Go to her, Plume," with startling promptitude cried the colonel. "I'll look to everything here.