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But to know, who has most knowledge of the Publique affaires, is yet harder; and they that know them, need them a great deale the lesse. For to know, who knowes the Rules almost of any Art, is a great degree of the knowledge of the same Art; because no man can be assured of the truth of anothers Rules, but he that is first taught to understand them.

Communiqué aux Ambassadeurs en Angleterre, Autriche-Hongrie, Italie, Allemagne. No. 59. Le Chargé d'Affaires en Serbie au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Nich, le 17/30 Juillet 1914.

'I think there's no harm in that price. But I reserved for myself two days' grace, and you must wait till to-morrow. I imagine we shall come to an arrangement, and then you will tell me how much you want paid down. And now, basta cosi! she cried, noticing Sanin was about to make some reply. 'We've spent enough time over filthy lucre ... a demain les affaires. Go and play roulette.

Such Louteas as doe serue their prince in weightie matters for iustice, are created after trial made of their learning: but the other which serue in smaller affaires, as Captaines, constables, sergeants by land and sea, receiuers and such like, whereof there be in euery citie, as also in this, very many, are made for fauour: the chiefe Louteas are serued kneeling.

The officer of our government who corresponds with foreign ministers here, and with our ministers abroad, is the secretary of state. The negotiation of treaties at home with the ministers of foreign governments residing here, is done by him. Representatives at foreign courts have different names or titles: embassadors, envoys, ministers, and chargès des affaires.

Failing in his attempt to possess himself of these costly gems, Mazarin arrested Montrésor, and kept him upwards of a year in prison. See "Memoirs of Montrésor." See her letter to the Earl of Pembroke, dated Isle of Wight, 29th April, 1645, in "Archives des Affaires Étrangères, France," t. cvi. p. 162.

If no one blames the young Montague for sending Rosaline to the right-about Rosaline for whom he was weeping and rhyming an hour before why, pray, should not Signorina Capulet have had a few previous affaires du coeur? Depend upon it, she had; for was she not already past thirteen?

He is not concerned about the quality of any great work, but in the quantity of dollars his purchase implies. Thus the financier in Mirbeau's LES AFFAIRES SONT LES AFFAIRES points to some blurred arrangement in colors, saying "See how great it is; it cost 50,000 francs." Just like our own parvenues.

No. 39. Le Chargé d'Affaires en Allemagne au Ministre des Affaires Etrangères. Berlin, le 14/27 Juillet 1914.

"Say, old man," he exclaimed, "it's easy to see you are out of sorts this morning. When did Bob Stafford start in to be a social reformer? Who ever expected such advice from the man who could always get away with more booze at a sitting than any man I ever knew, and who has been the hero of a hundred affaires de coeur, not all as respectable as that of Stanton and Maude?"