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"Here, in Marseilles, we have many English who pass to and fro from the boats. I suppose, m'sieur is going East?" he suggested affably. "No," replied Hugh, speaking in French, "I have some business here that is all." He was highly suspicious of all strangers, and the more so of anyone who endeavoured to get into conversation with him.

Ned shuddered at this; and, I confess, so did I. Seeing the effect his gesture had produced, the old chap, smiling affably, proceeded to justify the extreme course he had suggested. "Yang-kei-tze catchee one Chinaman, one piecee shootee chop chop," he argued, on the retaliatory principle, which, of course, held good in war, although no comfort to us at the moment.

We must prevent the market from being drugged, by diverting the supply into new lines." "Are there any new lines?" asked Fanny, surprised at the progress of society in her absence. "Homoeopathic doctresses," whispered Grace; who, dutiful as she was, sometimes indulged in a little fun, which Rachel would affably receive unless she took it in earnest, as in the present instance.

"Rise, venerable," said the stranger affably, for Ning had prostrated himself as being more prudent in the circumstances. "The one before you is only Tian, of obscure birth, and himself of no particular merit or attainment. You, doubtless, are of considerably more honourable lineage?"

But," he added remorsefully, "I've heard I reckon fifty times about you and your ladies and gentlemen, and if you was capsized out o' that eer boat, I'd have mine out and take her arter you my own self if the seas was a comin' over that there mast-head." Then Lewis shook hands with his frank opponent, who grinned affably and waved until the boat was nearly out of sight.

He was a fine-looking man, with blue eyes and an unusually fair skin for an island supercargo, with a long, drooping, yellow moustache. Riedermann, the skipper, who followed, was stout, coarse, red-faced, and brutal. "How are you, gentlemen?" said Motley affably, turning from Taplin and his wife, and advancing towards us.

The general, feeling that the conversation excluded Nicholas, renewed his attack. "What do you think of raising garden products?" he inquired affably. Then Eugenia rose, and he submissively retired. "We aren't going to talk farming any more," said the girl.

Entertainments were going on all the while in the neighborhood, and he had ample opportunities of advertising the fact, all of which he improved, while a puzzled audience knew not what to make of so novel a situation, and were sorely put to it for suitable replies as they stared at an Adonis in Poole-cut clothes who sat and looked alternately at them and his patent-leather court pumps and gay silk socks while he affably denounced his father's nephew and "hoped the blackguard was goin' to New Orleans and would get the yellow fever there, which was beginnin' to be had over from the Havana."

"Dat's right. It ain't up to me to come buttin' in. Sorry, boss. Sorry, gents. Sorry loidy. Me for de tall grass." "There's a luggage-cart of sorts," said Lord Dreever, pointing. "Sure," said Spike, affably. He trotted away. "Jump in, Pitt," said Lord Dreever. "I'm going to walk." "No, I'll walk," said Jimmy. "I'd rather. I want a bit of exercise. Which way do I go?"

Warrington said; in which observation his Royal Highness entirely concurred. "I am told you saved yourself, sir, mainly by your knowledge of the French language," the Royal Duke then affably observed. Mr. Warrington modestly mentioned how he had been in the French colonies in his youth, and had opportunities of acquiring that tongue.