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Most of them, it will be noted, undertook the struggle not for commercial ends nor from the love of adventure, but in order to establish for themselves a home where they would be free in matters of the spirit. The traces of that purpose may be found on almost every page of American history and do much to render it the inspiring thing it is.

"I generally dwell with my father-in-law at Chelsea, but am just at present at home. My house is in St. Mary Axe; anyone there will tell you which it is." That evening the two friends had a long talk together Geoffrey learnt that Gerald Burke reached Italy without further adventure, and thence took ship to Bristol, and so crossed over to Ireland.

The prospector, therefore, is a very important member of the concern, and in many cases the success of the adventure depends upon his experience and sagacity. In the latter part of the fourteenth century, an incident occurred in the family of the Earl of Suffolk, which affords a curious illustration of old manners in England.

Then, after a slight pause, she asked: "Have you ever thought of what the end of this adventure is likely to be, so far as we two are concerned, supposing that we should fail to effect our escape from O'Gorman and his companions?" "Certainly, the matter is never absent from my thoughts," I answered.

But," he smiled with all his old mockery "mostly I failed on Pratyahara, which says the senses must be quelled, subdued and set aside! All religions are alike to me, but they must not intrude on my own religion. I'd liefer die than not enjoy. My religion, I say, is to play the great games to adventure, and above all, to enjoy!

His was not the nature to enjoy the stony detail of his profession. Excitement and adventure were as the breath of life to him, and since he had played his little part at the Jersey battle in a bandbox eleven years before, he had touched hands with accidents of flood and field in many countries.

Yet the fascination exercised over him by his companion, and his own love of adventure and excitement, were so strong, that he did not know whether he dreaded or desired the coming struggle. "What are we going to do?" he asked in a low voice. "To take our due that they will not give us," was the stern reply. "They had their choice, and must abide by their blindness and obstinacy.

"Well, did you have a nice time?" asked Mother Martin, as they came to the house after putting away their ponies. "We had lots of fun," answered Janet "Teddy fell off his pony " "Fell off his pony!" cried her mother. "He threw me!" explained Ted, and then he told what had happened. "An' didn't you catch noffin for me?" asked Trouble, who heard his brother telling the story of his adventure.

But the absurdity of a panther being found in such a region outweighed all this and I scoffed. I was yet to learn a lesson in humility out of this adventure. Two years later I sailed over the bar and dropped anchor at the same spot.

Where Farum was, I did not know and did not care, but it was a new world. Until now I, who was a town child, had seen nothing of the country except my nurse's house and land at Glostrup, but what lay in front of me was a village, a schoolhouse, a large farm, in short an adventure in grand style.