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"I wish to see you alone, niece is that clear?" said the princess, impatiently, to her niece. "I beg your pardon, but I do not quite understand your highness," said Adrienne, with an air of surprise.

She did not slacken her speed until she reached the Bourcier cabin, where she had made her home since the night when Hamilton's pistol ball struck her. The little domicile was quite empty of its household, but Alice entered and flung herself into a chair, where she sat quivering and breathless when Adrienne, also much excited, came in, preceded by a stream of patois that sparkled continuously.

As they exchanged these words, Adrienne and Mother Bunch looked at each other with increasing surprise.

"Yesterday?" cried Adrienne, with as much indignation as surprise.

"We shall probably not see each other again," said Adrienne, in a firm voice that contrasted strangely with her gentle grace; "but I shall never forget that I bear your name and that being mine, I will ever honor it." She handed Sulpice a document. "Here is a power of attorney to Monsieur Beauvais, my notary. All that you need of my dowry to free yourself from liabilities is yours.

Then, kissing the hands of Djalma, she added tenderly, "If the poison is slow, why do you weep?" "For you! for you!" said the Indian, in a heart-rending tone. "Think not of me," replied Adrienne, resolutely. "You have killed, and we must expiate the crime. I know not what has taken place; but I swear by our love that you did not do evil for evil's sake. There is some horrible mystery in all this."

Adrienne, completely ignorant of the eccentric modes of life of students and their companions, could not, in spite of the thoughts which occupied her mind, forebear examining, with a mixture of surprise and curiosity, this strange and grotesque chaos, composed of the most dissimilar objects disguises for masked balls, skulls with pipes in their mouths, odd boots standing on book shelves, monstrous bottles, women's clothes, ends of tobacco pipes, etc., etc.

I do not know where they took her, when she was attacked with this frenzy. You will expect me to-morrow?" "Yes to-morrow," said Mother Bunch. The convent whither Florine was to conduct the hunchback contained the daughters of Marshal Simon, and was next door to the lunatic asylum of Dr. Baleinier, in which Adrienne de Cardoville was confined. St.

The latter said to him, in a calm voice, "Andrew, request Hebe to give you the smelling bottle that I left on the chimney-piece in my room, and bring it me here." "Pray, is that clock right?" Andrew drew out his watch, and replied as he cast his eyes upon it, "Yes, mademoiselle. I set my watch by the Tuileries. It is more than half past three." "Very well thank you!" said Adrienne kindly.

"But, cousin," resumed Adrienne, "how came you not to suspect this emissary?" "Some words, which afterwards escaped from him, inspired me with doubts," answered Djalma: "but at first I followed him, fearing the marshal might be in danger for I know that he also has enemies."