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This Address I sent to over 50,000 clergymen. A few years before I wrote that Address, the late Mr.

Mishka had said nine o'clock, and it was not yet seven. Presently there came a knock at my door. I wondered if this might be another police visitation; but it was only one of the hotel servants to say a droshky driver was below, demanding to see me. He produced a dirty scrap of paper with my name and address scrawled on it, which the man had brought.

"I was sure I had forgotten something, Janet," said he. "That is the address of Johnny Wickes's mother. We were to sent him up to see her some time before Christmas." "Before Christmas!" Janet exclaimed; and she looked at him in amazement. "But you are coming back before Christmas, Keith!"

Charles Vince, who was so soon to follow him, delivered a very eloquent address over the open grave, in which he said, "For the firmness with which he maintained his convictions, and for the zeal and ability with which he advocated them, he will always have a name and a place in the history of his native town, if not in the history of his country.

"His address is at his club, but I dare say he is at North Priory also. At any rate, I shall say nothing to him." "I was thinking he might have met her." "Julia never liked him. And, indeed, I don't think she will care so much about being met. She was always independent in that way, and would go over the world alone better than many men. But couldn't you run up and manage about the apartments?

Here is my card and address, if he wants a friend let him come to me, and if he can't do that, write to me, and he will find I am on hand. Any man in Boston will tell him where Sam Slick lives." "Who?" said she. "Sam Slick," sais I.

For the most part the talk did not address itself to me, but became an exchange of thoughts and fancies between himself and Lowell.

Alden suggested hopefully. "He was so darned good to me when I was a kid that I can't let him miss anything I can get for him Lord knows that's not much I thought I could get you right away but I didn't have any name and I couldn't find out where you came from my wife didn't have your address " They entered quietly and were up the stairway quickly.

With such skill and address did the corsair manage his suit that he prevailed upon the Sultan to address a letter to Charles demanding the immediate return of the towns of Susa, Sfax, Monastir, and "Africa."

He made a step as if to address his client, who was silent throughout this scene as if dazed by it; but he turned and said, addressing Madame Evangelista: "Do not suppose, madame, that I think you a party to these ideas of my brother notary. I consider you an honest woman and a lady who knows nothing of business." "Thank you, brother notary," said Solonet.