United States or Mauritius ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

But boil it or bake it and the vitality is gone, and all the art and science of mankind cannot bring it back again. The physical and chemical activities remain after the vital activities have ceased. Do we not then have to supply a non-chemical, a non-physical force or factor to account for the living body?

An organization which exists for the express purpose of driving out of business people who get what they want by holdups, the entire activities of which are devoted to proving to people how much more holding out a hand gets for people in business than sticking out a fist, soon gets its fist trusted.

It is moving ahead to give meaning to the concept of world brotherhood through a wide variety of cultural, economic, and technical activities. The events of the past year again showed the value of the United Nations in bringing about the peaceful adjustment of tense international controversies.

My behavior has a mental quality. In both kinds of responsive adjustment, our activities are directed or controlled. But in the merely blind response, direction is also blind. There may be training, but there is no education. Repeated responses to recurrent stimuli may fix a habit of acting in a certain way.

The first calls for the elimination of enough activities of government to bring the expenses of government immediately into balance with income of government.

As it is, New England has suffered very little from the German occupation, and in a very short time everything will be going on as usual." The veteran warrior paused, and added with a laugh: "Better than usual." As a matter of fact, within a week Boston had resumed its ordinary life and activities.

The time is sure to come and the signs are already apparent, when the various and distant members of this great world community will find their activities co-ordinated, their purpose unified, their efforts re-inforced and the effect of their combined efforts manifest throughout the world.

Signal-flags were whipping the air aloft classes in signalling; while from engine-room and fighting-tops each battleship hummed with the activities of masters and pupils teaching and learning every phase of the complicated calling of the modern navy man.

On the other hand, one who lives in a mental atmosphere of ill-health, as sick and unhealthy people very often do, unconsciously directs all his sub-conscious activities in such a way as to produce sickness and disease. Again, with regard to lack of means, this state also can be overcome, spiritually, only by living in a higher consciousness of abundance and sufficiency.

Observation has shown that the activities of these two systems in man and animal are accompanied by the occurrence of different electric potentials in different parts of the body. The bent lines in the diagram stand for curves of equal electric potential. The straight line between them is the neutral zone. As might be expected, this line runs through the heart.