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Weeks activated the outer hatch and the crane lines plucked the small vehicle out of the Queen, swinging it dizzily down to the blast scored apron. "Make for the tower " Rip's voice was thin in the helmet coms. Dane at the controls of the crawler pulled on as Ali cast off the lines which anchored them to the spacer. Through the bubble helmet he could see the frenzied activity in the aroused port.

The one thought that should be present is the thought of turning Godward, seeking Him, waiting before Him. This way may be effective. When it is, the body-mind is subordinated and ceases to exist as the principal part of man. The spiritual nature is activated and lifted up. When, however, this way is not effective, it merely produces deadness.

As soon as they were a safe ten diameters out from Irschcha he activated the hyperdrive, then unstrapped himself and rose. Prowler's course to Rendavi, the Crusade leaders' rendezvous, had been fed into the navigation computer several days ago and been updated automatically every hour since. He started to leave the cockpit.

The admiral glanced at his wrist chronom. "Pretty late, but I'll see." He had just reached for a switch when his call buzzer sounded, and when he activated the screen the planetographer reported, "We can't find any such system on our charts." Hanlon's spirit sank. "Keep looking!" he ordered. "Check with the astronomers. It's somewhere around there I just came from that planet.

This was the source, or one of the sources, from which the Reds were getting the knowledge which fitted no modern pattern. A world encased in ice and a building with strange machinery. This thing a cylinder with a pilot's seat and a set of controls. Was it an alien place? But the jelly bath and the rest of it.... Had his presence activated that cupboard to supply him with clothing?

"On this time line, we have reason to think that the native, Nebu-hin-Abenoz, who bought the slaves, actually saw the slavers' conveyer. Maybe even saw it activated." "If he did, we'll either have to capture him and give him a memory-obliteration, or kill him," Vall said. "What do you know about him?" "Well, this Careba, the town he bosses, is a little walled town up in the hills.

And one held the translator. "You talk!" A tri-jointed arm reached across his shoulder, triggered a lever, pressed a button. The head set cramping his ear let out a sudden growl of sound the com was activated. A claw jammed the mike closer to Shann's lips, but also slid in range the webbed loop of the translator. Shann shook his head at the incoming rattle of code.

The teacher, however, snared the cadet in a neo-judo hold that no neophyte, however skilled or strong could break. He dragged the struggling Hanlon up to the rostrum and, with his elbow, activated the intercom. "Ask the commandant to come to room 12-B. A cadet, caught cheating at examinations, has mutinied."

He worked through the stack of paper, occasionally calling upon his clerk for file data, sometimes making a communicator call. At last, he pushed away the last remaining report and leaned back. He spun his chair about, activated the large entertainment screen, and spent some time watching a playlet. At the end of the play, he glanced at his watch, then turned back to his desk.

There were no flashes or reports; only the spot of light that had winked on and off under Vall's rear sight had told him that his weapon had been activated. He saw it appear again as the sights centered on one of the "policemen." Then he saw the other imposter's needler aimed at himself.