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We can't all be officers, and I'm eager, anxious to be anything whereby I can help the cause. It is possible, therefore, that in a week or two's time I shall be out of England, on my way to, if not in the very midst of action. "Please don't talk about this. God knows it's too serious to be talked about.

Therefore, in order to even matters a little, I decided to take a hand in the game, and forthwith started at a run for the scene of action.

Breathing is well illustrated by means of the common hand bellows, its action being similar to that of the thorax. It will be observed that when the sides are spread apart air flows into the bellows. When they are pressed together the air flows out. One respect, however, in which the bellows differs from the thorax should be noted.

For what is the use to the stage of that archaeology which has so strangely terrified the critics, but that it, and it alone, can give us the architecture and apparel suitable to the time in which the action of the play passes?

Without this characteristic activity, the intelligence cannot construct itself; it would be like an attention that wanders from thing to thing without ever fixing upon any one of them, and like a will that can never decide upon any definite action.

If he desired to look to the right, his eyes involuntarily moved to the left. In this case the movement was not involuntary, as the muscles were quiet except when called to action by the will, and then they moved to the opposite.

Their action resembles that at Macaluba. There is a mud volcano in Java which is of interest as somewhat resembling the geyser in its mode of operation and apparently due to similar agencies. It is thus described by Dr. Horsfield:

There were other cases I could have recited showing the ill recompense that so often overtakes the virtuous action; but, as I explained to Bute, it would have saddened me to dwell upon the theme. It was quite a large party assembled at the St. Leonards', including one or two county people, and I should have liked, myself, to have made a better entrance.

The most singular instance I ever knew, however, of unaccountable terror produced in a child's mind by the pure action of its imagination, was that of a little boy who overheard a conversation between his mother and a friend upon the subject of the purchase of some stuff, which she had not bought, "because," said she, "it was ell wide."

This consists in holding a fairly full breath for a series of four, six or eight steps, and at the same time expanding the body still further in the region of the stomach. This is accomplished largely through the action of the diaphragm and the muscles across the front of the body in the region of the stomach.