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He asserted the fact so vehemently that I had not the courage to refute it. All eyes were suddenly turned upon me. I felt I was bearing the burden of the nation's preposterous breakfast I who drank a cup of coffee while buttoning my blouse in the morning. "Nothing at all," cried Herr Hoffmann from Berlin. "Ach, when I was in England in the morning I used to eat."

In the first place probably because I'm not a Pascal after all, et puis... secondly, we Russians never can say anything in our own language.... We never have said anything hitherto, at any rate...." "H'm! That's not true, perhaps. Anyway, you'd better make a note of such phrases, and remember them, you know, in case you have to talk.... Ach, Stephan Trofimovitch.

There's our line from the paregoric bottle right along to the snuff box. D'ye see? Well, then, the pill box is for Hougoumont on the right where we was and Norah's thimble for La Haye Sainte. There it is, all right, sir; and here were our guns, and here behind the reserves and the Belgians. Ach, them Belgians!" He spat furiously into the fire.

Report had reached them that Mafeking was in the hands of the Dutch, that the only survivor of the garrison had escaped in woman's clothes, had been wandering on the veldt for days, and had finally been taken in here. "Ach!" said the old vrow, "I would be afraid to meet him. Is he really here?" This remark she made to Mrs.

"Fwhat is it? Let me see. That! Be me sowl! that's a quare-looking crayter anyhow." "Sac-r-r-re! it is von Texan! von fr-r-og! Dat is de feesh we smell stink. Owah ah ah!" "Oh! holy mother! if here isn't another in moine! By jabers! it's a scorpion lizard! Hoach wach wach!" "Ow ah ah ack ack! Mon Dieu! Oach ach ! Sac-r! O ach ach o oa a ach!" "Tare-an-ages!

To lunch the day what she sails to Europe she has to go! Always she complains that salesmen ain't good enough for her yet, and on the day she sails she has to go to lunch with one. Why, I ask you, Simon, why don't that Ray come back?" Mr. Binswanger packed his pipe tight and adjusted a small, close-fitting black cap. "To travel with women, I tell you, it ain't no pleasure." "Ach, du Himmel!

"Are you going to take me in by force, or wait until you catch me asleep?" questioned Captain Jack Benson. "Ach! Do not be silly, boy!" "I might say the same to you, Professor," replied Jack Benson, composedly, "but we'll let it pass. How are you going to get me into the German Navy, and what are you going to do with me after you get me there?" "How?" cried Professor Radberg.

"We are going to the Yusupov garden and then to the Palais de Crystal." "I would not disturb him to-morrow at all, but I don't know... a little, maybe... but we'll see." "Ach, what a nuisance! I've got a house-warming party to-night; it's only a step from here. Couldn't he come? He could lie on the sofa. You are coming?" Razumihin said to Zossimov. "Don't forget, you promised."

It seems to abody she's workin' more'n ever this here spring. I guess mebbe she thinks she better get all the ins and outs o' housework so as she can do it right till she gets married once." "Ach, I guess Amanda ain't thinkin' of marryin' yet," said the mother. "You fool yourself," was Millie's wise answer. "Is there ever a woman born that don't think 'bout it? Women ain't made that way.

One of the "neutrals" spoke to me in German, which was a dangerous tongue in Paris. He was a Swiss who had come to Paris on business for a few days, leaving his wife in a village near Basle. It was of his wife that he kept talking. "Ach, mein armes Weib! Sie hat Angst fur mich."