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This he clearly intimates in the following verses, written by him on the subject: "Accipe, sed placidé, quæ, si non optimo, certé Espressit nobis non mala pacis amor. Et tibi dic, nostro labor hic si displicet avo, A gratia pretium posteritate feret."

When in past centuries abbots and bishops were elected, they reluctantly accepted fat abbeys and bishoprics; the investiture was given in the sacramental words, accipe onus pro peccatis. A battle by Richmond. McClellan telegraphs a victory, and it comes out that we lost men, positions, camps, and artillery. The President patiently bears such humbugging, and the country submits.

The duel at the Diamond in the Desert is admittedly one of the happiest things of the kind by a master in that kind, and if the adventures in the chapel of Engedi are both a little farcical and a little 'apropos of nothing in particular, the story nowhere else halts or fails till it reaches its real 'curtain' with the second Accipe hoc!

The younger followed his example, and thereupon humbly taking down the lace from her face, and mechanically smoothing it over her aged knees, she gave the promise required of her, and placed her hand on a prayer-book which was lying on the small table beside her, as if to add emphasis and solemnity to her words. Accipe Hoc.

The Archbishop, holding it with the left hand only, with the right makes the sign, of benediction: coronat te deus corona gloriae atque justitiae. After which he places the crown on the head of the King, saying: accipe coronam regni in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Now that the King is crowned, he ascends the steps of the jube, and seats himself upon the throne.

Such gracious bearing made her bold again, albeit she trembled visibly just before, and she reached him a blue and yellow wreath, whereon lay the carmen, saying, "Accipe hanc vilem coronam et haec" whereupon she began to recite the carmen.

Thus becometh the action or process by their care and industry to be of a complete and goodly bulk, well shaped, framed, formed, and fashioned according to the canonical gloss. Accipe, sume, cape, sunt verba placentia Papae. Which speech hath been more clearly explained by Albert de Ros, in verbo Roma. Roma manus rodit, quas rodere non valet, odit. Dantes custodit, non dantes spernit, et odit.

"Ha! sayest thou?" answered Saladin. "ACCIPE HOC!" replied the panicstruck creature, unconscious, perhaps,that he repeated the same words as before. "Hence, I am in no vein for foolery," said the Emperor. "Nor am I further fool," said the dwarf, "than to make my folly help out my wits to earn my bread, poor, helpless wretch! Hear, hear me, great Soldan!"

But people who cannot do impossible things have to perish. The priest dipped his thumb in oil, and with it crossed the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands of him who was leaving the use of these five senses and instruments of evil. Then he placed a lighted candle in the stiffened fingers, and ended with "Accipe lampadem ardentem custodi unctionem tuam." I said to myself "I cannot do it!

Grotius, content with gratifying his pacific desires, expected his reward from posterity; which he clearly intimates in some verses written by him on this subject Accipe sed placidis, quæ si non optima, certe, Expressit nobis non mala pacis amor. Et tibi dic, nostro labor hic si displicet ævo, A gratâ pretium posteritate feret.