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"I ain't a-goin' to deny nothink," replied Liffie, a little softened by the boy's apologetic tone, "only when I'm expected to give a civil answer, I expects a civil question." "That's all fair an' aboveboard. Now, will you tell the Miss Seawards I wants to see 'em, on a matter of business of importance." Another minute and Billy stood in the presence of the ladies he wished to see.

"The foliage has been a little mite too rich this season," remarked Aunt Abby. "I b'lieve I'm glad to see it thinin' out some, so 't we can have some kind of an idee of what's goin' on in the village." "There's plenty goin' on," Mrs. Day answered unctuously; "some of it aboveboard an' some underneath it."

"Now what you are to do is to read off letter by letter what this young shaver in here sends on the wire. You are a tab on him. You understand?" In a trembling voice Jones responded in the affirmative. "And the first one of you who appears to do anything not straight and aboveboard gets daylight through his head," he added, raising his voice for Alex's benefit.

The animals were more friendly, perhaps my actions were more open and aboveboard. My rifle naturally inspired a desire to shoot something; a mountain sheep, a bear, even the fat marmots did not escape my deadly fire. But, without a gun there was interest everywhere. Many times I laughed at the antics of the animals, especially at the awkward, lumbering haste of the marmots.

'I've no patience with you! he said angrily. 'Why can't you be fair and aboveboard? Why don't you send the fellow about his business at once 'Well, I have. 'Why don't you settle the thing straight? You know Frank King wants to marry you: anybody can see that. Why don't you have him, and be done with it? Madge turned away a little, and said with a very pretty smile,

A few days after, I went away from Woodbury. I had learned for the moment, I thought, all that Woodbury could teach me: and I longed to get free again for a while from this pervading atmosphere of mystery. At Aunt Emma's, at least, all was plain and aboveboard.

I wish to be perfectly open and aboveboard in the future, as I have been in the past." "But you have said nothing to me at all!" Mrs. Baines remonstrated, lifting her eyebrows. The way in which the man had sprung this matter upon her was truly too audacious. Mr. Povey approached her as she sat at the table, shaking her ringlets and looking at her hands.

There ain't supposed to be anything doing in these blessed islands that ain't aboveboard, but 'tisn't as though the place was run by Americans." "And I am to watch Ching Po? Where does he come in?" "I wish't I knew. He makes money out of it somehow. Dope, I suppose. Old man Dubois ain't his only customer, by a long shot." "Ching Po isn't likely to go near French Eva, is he?

"I wish some other people I know of did business as clean and aboveboard as you young fellows." A quarter-hour later the sound of his exhaust had died away in the fog to the northward. "What would he have done if he'd found any 'shorts'?" asked Percy. "Fined us a dollar for every one," answered Jim. "Taken the cream off the summer, wouldn't it?

She had not been coquetting. with him; she had tried to keep him away. She considered herself too good for a hired man. Well, maybe she' was. Anyhow, she had gone out of his reach, hopelessly. As he came past the Haldemans' he saw Nina sitting out under the trees in the twifight. On the impulse he pulled in. His mind took another turn. Here was a woman who was open and aboveboard in her affection.