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Now the Frenchmen were firing at us with muskets, for we had shut in the battery, and as we were almost out of the musket-shot, the balls only pitted in the water, without doing any harm and I was a-standing with the master on the starn-sheets, my body being just between him and the beach where they were a-firing from. It seemed mortally impossible to hit him, except through me.

"Ask for Lantern Yard, father ask this gentleman with the tassels on his shoulders a-standing at the shop door; he isn't in a hurry like the rest," said Eppie, in some distress at her father's bewilderment, and ill at ease, besides, amidst the noise, the movement, and the multitude of strange indifferent faces.

"I say, sir," said he, in a tone of the deepest sympathy, "don't you feel werry tired, sir, a-standing theer so long?" "Aye, my son," replies old Jellybelly, thinking to himself, no doubt, that the chap showed wonderful good feeling for a boy; he regarding them all as a rule, not without reason probably, as imps of mischief. "It is rather tiring sometimes.

Cheeseman, I want a fine rasher, not a bit of gristle would I trim out, nor put it up in paper for him, as I do for you, ma'am." And Widow Shanks quite agreed with her. "Never can I tell you what my feelings was, when I seed him a-standing by the monument, ma'am.

I'd been up to town, to take a mess o' clams at Giberson's, with maybe a sprinklin' of his apple-jack, nothing else, and I was on my way home, to Skillman's tavern at the dépôt, you know, and I'd jest stopped a piece, and was a-standing there, looking at the moon in the water, when he tipped me over.

Ah, the night was long; but a bit before dawn the boy grew quiet, and as the light come in I heard our men was a-coming back, and runned out to see Jan. And there was Jan's company a-standing in line and the sarjint calling the roll.

Peters during the last ten minutes. "Ha' you been a-standing there like a post all this while, and never put out yer hand to help save the child?" she said, reproachingly. "I couldn't, dame, I couldn't with such hands as these; but I'll do anything for you that I can," whispered the fisherman, as though he feared to disturb the child. "Well, I want a tub of hot water," snapped Mrs. Peters.

Whenever his liquor begun to work he most always went for the govment, this time he says: "Call this a govment! why, just look at it and see what it's like. Here's the law a-standing ready to take a man's son away from him a man's own son, which he has had all the trouble and all the anxiety and all the expense of raising.

While I was a-standing there, in danger of being run over by the omnibuses, the sailor boy came to my side and told me that he and the cook was gwine to engage on board of another 'Merican wessel, and axed me what I was gwine to do. I told him how I didn't know nothing at all 'bout sea sarvice, and so I didn't know what I should do.

Bodykins, man! thou shouldst 'a' seen her at it: clad from throat to feet she was in a leathern apron, looking as like mine own as though th' mare's skin whereof mine was fashioned had, as 'twere, foaled a smaller one for th' lass ha! ha! and her sleeves rolled up from her brown arms, and th' cords a-standing out on them like th' veins in a horse's shoulder.