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Timothy stopped his hysterical litany and ran toward her. "Don't you come a-near me, bad Piper Tim!" she sobbed. "You don't dare step on the magic circle anyhow. It 'ud burn your wicked foot!" The big farm laborer drew back in a terror he instantly disguised. "I was just lookin' for you, Moira aroon," he said propitiatingly. "I was wishin' to tell you to tell you why, that it's all pretend.

Yes, and I TOLD 'em so; I told old Thatcher so to his face. Lots of 'em heard me, and can tell what I said. Says I, for two cents I'd leave the blamed country and never come a-near it agin. Them's the very words.

Don't be naughty at the last minute and say, 'I don't want to, or else Santa Claus won't come a-near. No, sir."

And surely, I to find my voice in a little minute, and did ask a near man whether there be any Doctors with the men. And in that moment there came forward a Master of the Diskos, which doth be as a Commander of this age. And he made the Salute of Honour with the Diskos, and would have eased the Maid from me; but I to ask again, very slow, whether that there was a Doctor a-near.

Then, as to the chance of being discovered, the place is dreadful lonesome, specially at night they do say as it's ha'nted, though I can't vouch for the truth of the story; but I do know this much, that the last time I was ashore there, I took a stroll out as far as the ruin towards nightfall, and they told me as I don't know what would happen if I went there; nobody ever went a-near the place at nightfall, so they said."

I ain't never had a son, and you ain't, neither; remember that, Marthy don't you ever let me ketch you goin' a-near them. We're done with Sam an' his missus. You jes' make a note of that." And old Billy flung out to his fields like a general whose forces had fled.

Men in that time a-coming shall work and have no fear For to-morrow's lack of earning and the hunger-wolf a-near. Oh, strange, new wonderful justice! But for whom shall we gather the gain? For ourselves and for each of our fellows, and no hand shall labour in vain.

That man's near demented mad at the thought of you marryin'. 'Be the hokey O! he says whenever I go a-near him, an' then he starts laughin' an' tellin' me it's the great news altogether. 'I wish, says he, 'the oul' lad was alive. He'd be makin' hell's blazes for joy! Och, he's cracked, that fella.

"First of all," said the captain, "suppose we try what is to be done with our heels. They used to be good, and I never saw the brass-bottomed sarpent that could come a-near us yet.

"Young master who?" says Amyas, bending down to the old man, and smiling to the dame to let him have his way. "Master Hawkins; he'm never been a-near me all day." Off goes Amyas; and, of course, lays hold of the sleeve of young Richard Hawkins; but as he is in act to speak, the dame lays hold of his, laughing and blushing. "No, sir, not Mr.