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"But, seein' you ain't scared, an' thar bein' no blaze in these yere parts, maybe you'd put us on the trail. Guess I'd a-gone on siesterin' till midnight if you hadn't a-happened by gracias a Dios!"

"But tell me, Donnel; you don't intend, surely, to leave poor Sarah behind us?" "Eh? Sarah?" returned the Prophet. "Ay; bekaise you said so awhile a-gone." "I know I said so awhile ago; but regardin' Sarah, Rody, she's the only livin' thing on this earth that I care about.

"If I'd only thought," he regretted, "we could a-gone to the Forum for grub. That's the swell joint where fellows like Roy Blanchard hangs out, blowin' the money we sweat for them." They bought reserved tickets at Bell's Theater; but it was too early for the performance, and they went down Broadway and into the Electric Theater to while away the time on a moving picture show.

"That's jolly!" exclaimed Bob, brightening up at the prospect of some sort or any sort of expedition in lieu of the one he had missed. "May I come with you?" "Ees, sure-ly, Master Bob," returned Dick. "But how comes it you bain't a-gone wi' the Cap'en and t'others?" Bob did not like any allusion to this delicate subject. "I was too late," he said abruptly, changing the conversation at once.

The loungers were present in more than usual force, Jo and Biather Alexander, old Neaze Savage, old Cal Chase, Tinker, any number of old and not highly-esteemed acquaintances. "Hullo, Bart Ridgeley! is that you?" Bart did not seem to think it necessary to affirm or deny. "Ben away, hain't ye? Must a-gone purty much all over all creation, these last three months. How's all the folks where you ben?"