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At any rate, they had "made his fortin', and he couldn't ha' done more'n that if he'd talked like a house a-fire" which explanation, often repeated, was about the longest one ever known to be uttered by Mr. Crull. Therefore Mr.

"I thought it was in some old house in Hertfordshire," said Miss Howard, more readily, "but I am not sure; for it was last Sunday, which she spent with her mamma. She came back and made it a great secret that she had seen the girl that had taken in Sir Amyas Belamour, who was contracted to herself, to marry him and his uncle both at once in disguise, and then had set the house a-fire.

"Yes, as much as I dared, old man, but I'm afraid to do much, because it seems to muddle his poor dear head, and he wrinkles up and tries to think, but he can't." "But don't he remember who cut him down?" said Joe. "No." "Nor yet about the house bein' set a-fire?" "No." "Well, did you ask him his name?" "Yes, and he only shook his head." "Did you ask him who his father and mother was?"

My blissin', as Paddy says, on a fire; it warms the cockles o' yer heart an' kapes yer hands busy." "They've much need to be kep' busy, sure enough," remarked another man, "for mine have been pretty idle for more than a week." "I wish," exclaimed another, with a bitter curse on mankind in general, "that the whole Thames would go a-fire, from Westminster to Gravesend."

When I want him to go to the barber's I'll take him. You will find enough to do. Charles, get a lamp and go up to your own room." "I don't allow him to have a lamp in his room. He will set something a-fire." "Then go up in the parlor." "The parlor!" his mother shrieked. "I'll go to bed," said Charles. "I know my lesson." There was a light in the upper hall.

So we came back, and he repeated the following verses: When they made their beasts of burden kneel as day drew nigh and nigher, Then they mounted and the camels bore away my heart's desire, When my eyes perceived my loved one through the crannied prison-wall, Then I cried, with streaming eyelids and a heart for love a-fire, "Turn thou leader of the camels, let me bid my love farewell!"

"Long an' short of it's jest this," resumed Cairo Jake, straightening himself for a moment, and picking some coarse gravel from his pan, "Tom Chafflin's always in luck. His claim pays better'n anybody else's; he always gets the lucky number at a raffle, his shovel don't never break, an' his chimbly ain't always catchin' a-fire.

I's bin wakin' a good while, larfin' fit to bu'st my sides. De purfesser's been a-goin' on like a mad renoceros for more'n an hour. He's arter suthin', which he can't ketch. Listen! You hear 'im goin' round an' round on his tip-toes. Dere goes anoder chair. I only hope he won't smash de lamp an' set de house a-fire." "Vell, vell; I've missed him zee tence time. Nevair mind.

Doyle sat with his back to the light, and seated across from him, smoking a cheap cigar, was the storekeeper from Friendship, Cusick. In a corner on the table, scowling, sat Louis Akers. "I don't know why you're so damned suspicious, Jim," he was saying. "Cusick says the stall about the Federal agents went all right." "Like a house a-fire," said Cusick, complacently.

She owes as much to me, for I have prevented her being disfigured by you, and drowned at Bras-Rouge's; but if after having sworn not to speak, she should do it, we will set the farm at Bouqueval a-fire. Then, addressing me, he said, 'Decide! swear the oath I ask, you shall go to prison for two months; otherwise I abandon you to La Chouette, who will take you to the cellar, where you'll be drowned.