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In 1907, A. V. Roe, working under great difficulties, constructed and flew his first machine, a triplane fitted with an 8-10 horse-power twin cylinder Jap bicycle engine, the first tractor type machine produced by any country, and a very important contribution to the science of flight.

Scripture references: Matthew 13:31-33; 5:21-24; Mark 8:1-9; John 2:1-11; Luke 5:29; 14:13; 1 Peter 2:17; Galatians 6:9; Matthew 11:28-30; 12:50; Luke 15:5,6,8-10; John 17:11-15; Luke 5:29,30; Mark 1:28-33; Matthew 6:33; Luke 12:13-15.

Pro Muræn. 34. De Orat. partit. 8, 16, 17. Pro Rabir. 8. In Verr. v. 56, etc., and 64, etc. Philipp. iii. 4. In Verr. vi. 10. Post Redit. in Senat. i. 4-8; pro Dom. 9, 39, etc.; in Pis. 10, 11. Philipp. ii. 18, etc. Pro Sext. 8-10. Pro Planc. 41, 42. Pro Fonteio, 17. Vid. his ideal description of an orator, in Orat. 40. Vid. also de clar.

The "retreating" Brussilov suddenly turned round and fell on Von Bothmer's advance. The fight lasted three days, with the result that the Austro-Germans were obliged to fall back across the Dniester, leaving behind 2,000 killed and wounded, besides 17 guns, 78 machine guns, 348 officers and 15,430 men as prisoners, June 8-10, 1915.

That is to pass from the discipleship of John to the discipleship of Jesus, from the baptism by water to the baptism by fire, from the spirit of the Advent season to the spirit of the Christmas time. Matthew ii. 1-11; Luke ii. 8-10. One Gospel tells of one kind of people who saw a star in the East and followed it; and another Gospel tells the same story of quite an opposite kind of people.

Paul; compare, for example, 1 Cor. xiii. 12 and a still more important passage, Phil. ii. 8-10. This knowledge was partly communicated by visions and revelations, to which St. Paul attributed some importance; but on the whole he is consistent in treating knowledge as the crown and consummation of faith. The pneumatic transformation of the personality is the centre of St. Paul's eschatology.

I. Verses 8-10 set forth the obligation of a love which embraces all men, and comprehends all duties to them. The Apostle has just been laying down the general exhortation, 'Pay every man his due' and applying it especially to the Christian's relation to civic rulers. He repeats it in a negative form, and bases on it the obligation of loving every man.

John xiii. 8-10. Hence we are so oft called to this duty of washing and making us clean. Isa. i. 16. Jer. iv. 14. Acts xxii. 16. David prays for this washing, Psal. li. 2-7. And it is Christ's work to wash. 1 Cor. vi. 11. Rev. i. 5. Eph. v. 26. See Tit. iii. 5.

John deals with these two consequences in verses 6-10 the former in verses 6 and 7; the latter in verses 8-10. The parallelism in the construction of these two sets of verses is striking: VERSES 6, 7. If we say If we say that we have fellowship with that we have no sin Him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth. we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

The name occurs also in Haupt's Nimrodepos, pp. 19, 29. Vorstellungen, p. 68. The name of the goddess is written throughout the story Nin-Kigal; i.e., 'queen of the nether world. Nin-Eresh. See p. 584, note 2. Smith, Miscellaneous Texts, p. 16. Jensen, Kosmologie, p. 259, note. IVR. 1, col. i. 12; col iii. 8-10. Te'û. See IVR. 22, 512, and Bartels, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, viii. 179-184.