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Of neutrals, the Dutch lost the Kediri, 3,781 tons; the Norwegians the Rakiura, 3,569 tons; Modum, 2,942 tons; Meteor, 4,211 tons; Manpanger, 3,354 tons; the Greeks, Salamis, 3,638 tons; and the Danish, Michail Ontchonkoff, 2,118 tons.

Plants 1 x 50 in 1st year = 50 50 x 50 " 2nd " = 2,500 2,500 x 50 " 3rd " = 125,000 125,000 x 50 " 4th " = 6,250,000 6,250,000 x 50 " 5th " = 312,500,000 312,500,000 x 50 " 6th " = 15,625,000,000 15,625,000,000 x 50 " 7th " = 781,250,000,000 781,250,000,000 x 50 " 8th " = 39,062,500,000,000 39,062,500,000,000 x 50& " 9th " = 1,953,125,000,000,000

Plants 1 x 50 in 1st year = 50 50 x 50 " 2nd " = 2,500 2,500 x 50 " 3rd " = 125,000 125,000 x 50 " 4th " = 6,250,000 6,250,000 x 50 " 5th " = 312,500,000 312,500,000 x 50 " 6th " = 15,625,000,000 15,625,000,000 x 50 " 7th " = 781,250,000,000 781,250,000,000 x 50 " 8th " = 39,062,500,000,000 39,062,500,000,000 x 50 " 9th " = 1,953,125,000,000,000

The piece is one of a group which their contents lead us to refer to the reign of king Yu, the son of Hsuean, B.C. 781 to 771. When we examine the chronology of his period, it is said that in his sixth year, B.C. 776, there was an eclipse of the sun. Now the ode commences:

Charlemagne, summoned a second time to Rome, in 781, by the quarrels of Pope Adrian I. with the imperial court of Constantinople, brought with him his two sons, Pepin aged only four years, and Louis only three years, and had them anointed by the Pope, the former King of Italy, and the latter King of Aquitaine.

Nineteen years and a half had now elapsed since the long parliament first assembled years of revolution and bloodshed, during which the nation had made the trial of almost every form of government, to return at last to that form from which it had previously departed. The reader is already acquainted with its history. For the glorious stand Price, 781. Kennet's Reg. 113.

The Amazon immediately singled out this well-dressed warrior, being seized with a woman's longing for the pretty trappings that he was adorned with: Totumque incauta per agmen, Faemineo praedae et spoliorum ardebat amore. AEn., xi. 781. So greedy was she bent On golden spoils, and on her prey intent.

It closely resembles the figure of Asshur-izir-pal, whereof a representation has been already given. The successor of Shamas-Vul was his son Vul-lush, the third monarch of that name, who ascended the throne B.C. 810, and held it for twenty-nine years, from B.C. 810 to B.C. 781. The memorials which we possess of this king's reign are but scanty.

The Treasury statements for the year showed that up to November 1, 1867, the long obligations of the Government had been increased to $1,781,462,050; while the short obligations, other than currency, had been reduced to $441,655,120.63, and the currency in greenbacks, fractional notes and certificates of deposit for gold, to $402,385,677.39.

Among them are several archivolt pieces, very much like those of the font of Calixtus at Cividale, which show by a mutilated inscription that they were due to Bishop Maurizio, apparently a bishop suspected of being on the side of the Franks, and therefore blinded by the Byzantines in 781.