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When Charlemagne became the king of the Franks in 768, there was little knowledge of any art among his northern subjects; in 800 he made himself emperor of the Romans, also, and when the Franks saw all the splendor of Rome and other parts of Italy, it was not difficult for the great emperor to introduce the arts into the Frankish portion of his empire.

The amount disbursed for Army pensions during the year was $134,700,597.24 and for Navy pensions $3,761,533.41, a total of $138,462,130.65, leaving an unexpended balance of $5,542,768.25 to be covered into the Treasury, which shows an increase over the previous year's expenditure Of $107,077.70.

NAVY DEPARTMENT: Navy Department proper 116,101,730.24 117,029,914.38 119,768,860.83 119,596,870.46 3,667,130.59 3,495,140.22 + 171,990.37 New navy building program 12,840,428.00 12,844,122.00 12,844,122.00 14,790,122.00 3,694.00 1,949,694.00 1,946,000.00

The branch proved equally popular, having circulated during the past year 1885 97,000 volumes, while the circulation of the main library has increased to 104,000 volumes, the combined circulation of both libraries exceeding that of any other in the city. The percentage of loss has been only one book for 31,768 circulated.

August, 1751. p. 1807. Ep. 207. p. 817. Ep. 465. & 466. p. 886. Ep. 469. p. 887. Observat. Hallenses, 24. t. 7. p. 350. Bib. Remons. p. 80. Fabricius Bib. Græca, t. 1. l. 1. c. 19, p. 117. Vindiciæ, p. 841. Ep. 391. p. 866. & 768. p. 330.

In settlement of the several contracts, the Union Pacific Railroad Company paid the Credit Mobilier: Hoxie Contract Miles Omaha to 100th Meridian 247 $12,974,416.24 Ames Contract 100th Meridian West 667 57,140,102.94 Davis Contract To point five miles west of Ogden 125 23,431,768.10 1039 $93,546,287.28

He was the elder son of Pepin the Short, and succeeded, on the death of his father in A.D. 768, to a kingdom which extended from the Low Countries to the borders of Spain. His whole life was one prolonged war undertaken against the forces of paganism, the Moors of Spain who harassed his borders to the south, and the restless Saxon tribes dwelling between the Rhine, Weser, and Elbe.

While there was imported for use in manufactures in 1900 material to the value of $79,768,972 in excess of 1899, it is reassuring to observe that there is a tendency toward decrease in the importation of articles manufactured ready for consumption, which in 1900 formed 15.17 per cent of the total imports, against 15.54 per cent in 1899 and 21.09 per cent in 1896.

With all that, he was the best fellow in the world, and he was always contriving some mischief or other. Pantagruel, being pleased with him, gave him the castellany of Salmigondin, which was yearly worth 6,789,106,789 royals of certain rent; besides the uncertain revenue of cockchafers and snails, amounting one year with another to the value of 2,435,768, or 2,435,769 French crowns of Berry.

Virgilius was made Bishop of Salzburg in 768. A suspicion of heresy clung to his memory until 1233, when he was raised by Gregory IX, to sainthood beside his accuser, St. Boniface. If the belief of errors not morally bad did no mischief, it would make no part of the moral duty of man to oppose and remove them.