United States or Curaçao ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We saw smoke in several places, and therefore knew there were inhabitants. At noon we were about three leagues from the land; the westermost part of which that was in sight bore S. 79° W. Our latitude, by observation, was19' S., and longitude 221° 44' W. The island of St Bartholomew bore N. 74 E. distant 20 miles.

The country had been flooded by representatives of German propaganda, papers had been hired and, by all report, money in large amounts distributed. But every German effort was swept away in the flood of feeling. It was the people's war. Amid tremendous enthusiasm the Chamber of Deputies adopted by vote of 407 to 74 the bill conferring upon the government full power to make war.

74 Captain, Commodore Horatio Nelson. Captain R.W. Miller. Goliath, Captain Charles Knowles. Excellent, Captain Cuthbert Collingwood. Orion, Captain Sir James Saumarez. Colossus, Captain Geo. Murray. Egmont, Captain John Sutton. Culloden, Captain Thomas Troubridge. Irresistible, Captain Geo. Martin. 64 Diadem, Captain Geo. H. Towny. 38 Minerve, Captain Geo. Cockburn.

Denmark, one of the best agricultural countries and probably one of the happiest communities on earth, reported 1,900 farms of 250-300 acres, 74,000 farms averaging 100 acres, 150,000 farms averaging 7 to 10 acres, 1,050 cooperative dairies, and so on.

After she had gone Stafford went to the table, picked up the ring and softly read the inscription to himself: "'From Robert to Virginia, with eternal love! Eternal love!" he echoed bitterly to himself. "What irony!" Slipping the ring into his pocket he stood for a time as if in deep thought. Then going to the telephone, he quickly unhooked the receiver. "Hello! Give me Madison, 74. Hurry! Hurry!

Nevertheless, the temperature went very low, and without doubt the mean temperature shown by our observations for the year is the lowest that has ever been recorded. Our lowest temperature, on August 13, 1911, was -74.2°F. For five months of the year we were able to record temperatures below -58°F. The temperature rose with every wind, except the south-west; with that it more usually went down.

Some of them were cheerful, others the reverse. Let those who follow me take warning." "III TAGE OHNE GRUND ANGEBLICH AUS NEUGIERDE." Which is to say, he had a curiosity to know what prison life was like; so he made a breach in some law and got three days for it. It is more than likely that he never had the same curiosity again. "F. Graf Bismarck 27-29, II, '74."

Although the first-class fares are only a fraction above 1-1/2d. per mile, and the second-class just over 1d., yet the Germans travel so cheaply, and mix among each other with so little exclusiveness, that it is said only 3-1/2 per cent. of the whole number of passengers travel by first-class, and 74 per cent. by third-class; the ratios in England being 14 and 46 per cent. respectively.

His last words were, 'Give my farewell blessing to your family, and to the society, and 'God bless you. All is well." Patient in life, he was triumphant in death, and though there was no exultant notes in his last testimony, his faith stood the supreme test, as he drew near the borderland. He died on September 8th, 1834, aged 74 years.

The great wealth-winners, the only fame-achievers, the sole objects worthy of a soldier's consideration, are beefsteaks, gunpowder, and cold iron. Such were our numbers: Ladies 74 Troops and artillerymen 40 Other non-combatants 11 MAJOR-GEN. O'G. GAHAGAN 1000 1,125