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Drake of New Haven was employed by the Pennsylvania Co. to sink an artesian well; and, after considerable preparatory work, on August 28, 1859, the first oil vein was tapped at a depth of 691/2 feet below the surface; the flow was at first 10 barrels per day, but in the following September this increased to 40 barrels daily.

The old plea that we must have an army of celibate women because in civilized countries there is a preponderance of females does not hold at present in the United States. The census of 1910 shows an excess of 2,691,678 males in this country. Nor is this entirely due to immigration.

The lord lieutenant, however, found that he was supported by some of the prelates, and by most of the aristocracy. But at this moment arrived copies of the declaration which Charles had been compelled to publish at Dunfermling, in Scotland. The whole population was in a ferment. Their suspicions, they exclaimed, were now verified; Clarendon, viii. 151, 154, 156. Hibernia Dominicana, 691.

Their aggregate circulation per issue is 139,939,229; and their aggregate number of copies issued during the year is 10,325,143,188. They consume 2,730,000 tons of paper, manufactured from 100,000 acres of timber. These 21,394 periodicals receive $145,517,591, or 47 per cent of their receipts, from advertising, and $111,298,691, or 36 per cent of the receipts from sales and subscriptions.

Nay, Hollis was so industrious to continue his meritorious distress, that when one offered to bail him, he would not yield to the rule of court, and be himself bound with his friend. * Rushworth, vol. i. p. 684, 691. Whitlocke, p. *13. * Kennet vol. iii. p. 49. Rushworth, vol. v. p. 440.