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For the present year he anticipates an expenditure of £2972 millions, and he is imposing fresh taxation which will realise £68 millions in the current year and £114-1/2 millions in a full year.

He saw that there ought to be more sobriety, more gravity, more careful pains, more sense of responsibility in the Tracts and in the whole movement." At the end of 1835 Dr. Pusey gave an example of what he meant. In place of the "short and incomplete papers," such as the earlier Tracts had been, Nos. 67, 68, and 69 formed the three parts of a closely-printed pamphlet of more than 300 pages.

The condensation of vapor by absorption develops heat, and consequently elevates the temperature of the soil which absorbs it, together with that of air in contact with the surface. Von Babo found the temperature of sandy ground thus raised from 68 degrees to 80 degrees F., that of soil rich in humus from 68 degrees to 88 degrees.

To 120 acres of corn on Alabama River, ............ 9,500.00 To crops of peas, fodder, etc. .................... 3,250.00 Total, ..........................34,952.00 To interest on $22,202, from July 1813 to November 1860, 47 years and 4 months, .......63,053.68 To interest on $12,750, from September 1814 to November 1860, 46 years and 2 months, ..35,317.50

Seclusion of Girls at Puberty in India and Cambodia, pp. 68-70. Seclusion of girls at puberty among the Hindoos, 68; in Southern India, 68-70; in Cambodia, 70. Seclusion of Girls at Puberty in Folk-tales, pp. 70-76.

CONDITIONS OF CORAL GROWTH. Reef-building corals cannot live except in clear salt water less, as a rule, than one hundred and fifty feet in depth, with a winter temperature not lower than 68 degrees F. An important condition also is an abundant food supply, and this is best secured in the path of the warm oceanic currents.

When we landed at Quebec, the heat was intense, the glass standing at 99 deg. in the shade. My wife's first experiences of Canada are described in a letter home, dated from London, Ont., July 22nd, '68. "At 4 p.m. we left Quebec and started by boat for Montreal.

The temperature at 3 a.m.. was 65 degrees; at 3 p.m. 82 degrees; and at 10 p.m., 68 degrees, from which there was no great variation during the whole time we spent at these elevations. The clouds were rare, and always light and high, except a little fleecy spot of vapour condensed close to the summit of Paras-nath.

Experiments show that the temperature in summer on the surface is 68 degrees Fahr. At 100 feet 55 degrees; at 300 feet 46 degrees; at 1506 feet 39 degrees. Twenty years ago the thermometer at Lake Tahoe registered 18 degrees F. below zero, and in 1910 it was 10 degrees F. below. Both these years Emerald Bay froze over.

The entire capitalization of $250,000, which I think will fairly represent the financial status of the farm at the end of the first five years, is divided as follows: Purchase price of land $ 32,000 Improvements 68,000 Buildings 100,000 Live stock, equipment and machinery 50,000 $250,000 Of the last named item, about $25,000 is estimated for machinery.