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It was sternly and speedily reorganized, and in the spring of 646. Metellus led it over the Numidian frontier. When Jugurtha perceived the altered state of things, he gave himself up as lost, and, before the struggle began, made earnest proposals for an accommodation, requesting ultimately nothing more than a guarantee for his life.

The enumeration of persons has been completed, and exhibits a grand total of 17,069,453, making an increase over the census of 1830 of 4,202,646 inhabitants, and showing a gain in a ratio exceeding 32-1/2 per cent for the last ten years. From the report of the Secretary of the Treasury you will be informed of the condition of the finances.

The estimates for the civil list amounting to £73,646, were voted after a debate of a week; a night watch and night lights were provided for in Montreal and Quebec; an Act was passed for the encouragement of agriculture, and commissioners appointed to improve the communication, by water, between Upper and Lower Canada; an attempt was made to indemnify the members of the Assembly; and the public accounts being submitted, the revenue for 1817 appeared to have been £108,925 currency, and the expenditure £116,920 sterling, including £19,426 owing to Upper Canada for duties in 1816.

Menendez's expedition of 1565 followed the earlier Spanish expeditions by Ponce de Leon, Narvaez and De Soto. It sailed from Cadiz and comprized eleven ships. Twenty-three other vessels followed, the entire company numbering 2,646 persons. The aim of Menendez was to begin a permanent settlement in Florida.

All things are possible to him that believes; and where all things are possible, there is a kind of omnipotency. The inquiries and debates concerning tonnage and poundage went hand in hand with these theological or metaphysical controversies. * Essay of Atheism. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 646. Parl. Hist. vol. viii. p. 260. * Rushworth, vol. i. p. 655. Parl. Hist. vol. viii. p. 289.

With this view the circumstance also very well accords, that the battle on the Muthul and the siege of Zama must, from the relation in which they stand to Marius' candidature for the consulship, be necessarily placed in 646. In no case can the author be pronounced free from inaccuracies; Marius, for instance, is even spoken of by him as consul in 649.

It is hardly proper to call either Panay with a population of 743,646, Cebu with 592,247, Negros with 460,776, Leyte with 357,641, Bohol with 243,148 or even Samar with only 222,690, a mere Arizona, and New Mexico with 195,310 is also a bit behind. Luzón really has an area of 40,969 square miles and a population of 3,798,507.

The expenses chargeable to the year, after deducting the amount of these specific appropriations, were $13,343,317.79; but this is subject to a reduction of $283,725.99, that amount having been drawn upon warrants, but not paid out during the year. The amount of appropriations applicable to the last fiscal year was $14,538,646.17.

Clarendon Papers, iii. 180. Thurloe, v. 169, 178; vii. 325. Charles, in the time of his exile, had also children by Catherine Peg and Elizabeth Killigrew. See Sanford, 646, 647. religion. On one hand, the Catholics, on the other, the Presbyterians, urged him by letters and messages to embrace their respective modes of worship.

The value of our total farm products has increased from $1,363,646,866 in 1860 to $4,500,000,000 in 1891, as estimated by statisticians, an increase of 230 per cent. The number of hogs January 1, 1891, was 50,625,106 and their value $210,193,925; on January 1, 1892, the number was 52,398,019 and the value $241,031,415.