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You see, then, it is so clear a point in this person's opinion that the ready road to popularity here is to trample under foot the interests of religion, the rights of the church, and the prerogatives of the crown." Coll. i. 12. Perry, Hist. Coll. 316, 317. Hening, Statutes at Large, vi. 88, 89. Ibid. vi. 568, 569. Perry, Hist. Coll. i. 508, 509. Hening, Statutes at Large, vii. 240, 241.

+509+. In the great Bantu family the usages vary greatly. Here the eponymous animal approaches divinity not only is it killed with regret, it is a thing to swear by, and has magical power; but independence of the totem appears in the fact that it may be changed; that is, it is a friend adopted by men at their convenience.

I., pp. 509, 510; Hildreth's History of the United States, Vol. After the discovery of the North American coast by the Cabots, England made no attempt to settle it for nearly eighty years; and even then the colonies planted by Gilbert and Ralegh were failures. Successful settlement by the English began under the London Company in 1607.

H. R. Seager, I NTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS, chap. xxi. F. W. Taussig, PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, chap. 55. Profit sharing: W. H. Tolman, SOCIAL ENGINEERING, chap. vii. Seager, OP. CIT, chap, xxvi, sec. 281. Adams and Sumner, LABOR PROBLEMS, chap. X. N. P. Gilman, PROFIT SHARING; A DIVIDEND TO LABOR. Outlook, vol. 106, p. 627. QUARTERLY REVIEW, vol. 219, p. 509.

Address, 1891; Cornu, Sur la Méthode Doppler-Fizeau p. Jour., vol. v., p. 1; Newall, Month. Jour., vol. x., p. 177; Month. Jour., vols. x, p. 180; xiv., p. 140; Lick Bulletin, No. 4; Bélopolsky, Astr. Amer. Acad., vol. xvi., p. 17; Observatory, vol. iv., p. 116. For a preliminary essay by T. S. Aldis, see Phil. Jour., Nos. 165-6, 255-6, 509. Ges., Jahrg. xxix.; but cf.

Among the curiosities of the census we find that 603,741 people are engaged in making and selling sweetmeats, and 550,241 in selling cardamon seeds and betel leaves, and 548,829 in manufacturing and selling bangles, necklaces, beads and sacred threads. There are 497,509 teachers and professors, 562,055 actors, singers and dancers, 520,044 doctors and 279,646 lawyers.

And, after stating that, of the 11,607 miles of telegraph at that time in operation, only one company of 509 miles was then paying a dividend, he adds: "If this fails I have nothing. On this I solely depend, for I have now no profession, and at my age, with impaired eyesight, I cannot resume it.

"You may go," ordered Long, and, as his man left, he moved over closer to the switchboard. He was listening eagerly and also watching an indicator that told the numbers of the rooms which called, as they flashed into view. Just as a call from "509" flashed up, Long slipped the rings off his little fingers and loosened the white rats on the telephone switchboard itself.

They proceeded so far as to name eleven members, whom, in general terms, they charged with high treason, as enemies to the army and evil counsellors to the parliament. Pretending that the parliament intended to levy war upon them, and to involve the nation again in blood and confusion, they required that all new levies should be stopped. * Rush. vol. vii. p. 509.

The South, and very largely the whole country, depends upon Negro men and women as the stable labor supply in such occupations as farming, saw-milling, mining, cooking, and washing. All of this is hard work, and necessary work. In 1910, of 3,178,554 Negro men at work, 981,922 were listed as farm laborers and 798,509 as farmers.