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"The last time I looked at the chart, just on the parallel of 20° of north latitude, the sounding was 500 fathoms," replied the commander. "Indeed? That is 3,000 feet; I did not suppose it was so deep as that," added the doctor. "The bottom is very irregular in all parts of the Red Sea; and in some places it is more than double the figure just mentioned.

In accordance with my recommendation at a former session of Congress, an appropriation of $500 thousand was made to aid the voluntary removal of the various tribes beyond the limits of the States.

I’ll see you get your share, old man,” he answered, easily. “But what share?” “You suggested £100, I think.” “Out of £500when I’ve done all the deceiving and told all the lies! Come, old man!” “Well, what do you want?” “Do you remember a certain crisis when we’d made a slip——” “You’d made a slip!” “We had made a slip, and you wanted to chuck the game and bolt?

He had been given to understand that these ladies were almost paupers from his point of view; and, though when he had asked who they were, David Walker had described them as representatives of one of the oldest and most respected families, he knew that they took no active part in the social life of the colony as he beheld it; they played neither golf, tennis, nor bridge at the club; they owned no automobile, and their stable was limited to two horses; they certainly cut no such figure as seemed to him to become people in their position, who could afford to refuse $500,000 for six acres.

In this battle the British had ten commissioned officers and upwards of 100 privates killed. More than 500 were made prisoners, nearly 200 of whom, including twenty-nine commissioned officers, were wounded.

He has also to be the referee at these coursings, and if it is a "near thing" with two dogs running at one rat, and you decide to award the victory to a given one, then the owner of the other dog will probably accuse you of wrong-doing and favouritism. Then is the time the Rat-catcher has to be prepared to pull off his coat and start fighting before, perhaps, 500 spectators.

The temple of Apollo Epicurius stands on a little platform between the two highest peaks, about 3,500 feet above the sea.

The principal island is Balunrueh, 400 or 500 feet high; bold, steep, and covered with trees, except at its northern extremity; where it is low, with a sandy point. Off this north point runs a coral reef; direction 354°, and extent about two miles.

The knowledge of physics which Newton had acquired by his experiments was of much use in connection with his duties at the Mint. He carried out the re-coinage with great skill in the course of two years, and as a reward for his exertions, he was appointed, in 1697, to the Mastership of the Mint, with a salary between 1,200 Pounds and 1,500 Pounds per annum.

In B.C. 1472 the land of the Amorites was reduced, or rather that part of it which was known as Takhis, the Thahash of Genesis xxii. 24, on the shores of the Lake of Merna, in which we should probably see the Lake of Homs. Nearly 500 prisoners were led to Egypt.