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The Chamber itself is a semi-circular hall with 24 white marble ionic columns and bronze capitals gilt. The president's chair and the tribune form the centre of the axis of the semi-circle, from whence the seats rise of the 459 deputies, in the shape of an amphitheatre.

The income from private users in the case of this plant was $4,459,404. The city used for public purposes 29.5 per cent. of the total amount supplied, which if paid for at the rate charged private consumers would have made the total income from operation $6,325,395. This would have been $2,929,232 more than was required to pay all expenses, including interest on the total investment.

His countenance changes like that of an actor when the scene shifts. He seems to turn pale at will and his features contract"; he rises, steps up precipitately to the English ambassador, and fulminates for two hours before two hundred persons. One day, after an explosion he says to Abbe de Pradt: "You thought me angry! you are mistaken. De Segur, II., 459.

In 1573, one Peter Burchet, a Puritan, being persuaded that it was meritorious to kill such as opposed the truth of the gospel, ran into the streets, and wounded Hawkins, the famous sea captain, whom he took for Hatton, the queen's favorite. * MS. of Lord Royston's, from the paper office. Strype's Eccles. Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 373, 458, 459. * Camden, p. 446. Strype, vol. ii. p. 288.

It was these Campanian equites, whose refusal to take part in the great Latino-Campanian insurrection of 414 mainly contributed to its failure, and whose brave swords decided the day in favour of the Romans at Sentinum in 459; whereas the Campanian infantry at Rhegium was the first body of troops that in the war with Pyrrhus revolted from Rome.

There is also a long account of this occurrence in Opera, tom. x. p. 459. De Vita Propria, ch. xxx. p. 89. De Vita Propria, ch. xxx. p. 90. Opera, tom. x. p. 460. WHILE Cardan was lying sick at Milan, a messenger came from Pavia, begging him to hasten thither to see his infant grandson, who had been ailing when he left Pavia, and was now much worse.

He was elected to the Legislature of Maine in 1845, and in the same year removed to Green Bay, Wisconsin. Five years after he was elected a Circuit Judge, and held the office until his resignation in 1855. In 1861 he was elected a Senator in Congress from Wisconsin, and was re-elected in 1867. 421, 459. ASAHEL W. HUBBARD was born in Haddam, Connecticut, January 18, 1819.

Sum by the week................ £1,850 15 Sum by the year............. £96,239 0 The total of the Senate, the people, and the magistracy.................... £287,459 15

In 1863 he was elected United States Senator from Indiana, for the term ending in 1869. 28, 108, 136, 211, 218, 296, 306, 395, 432, 455, 459, 460, 491, 498, 531, 532, 533, 535, 548. WILLIAM HIGBY was born in Essex County, New York, August 18, 1813. He graduated at the University of Vermont in 1840, and practiced law in New York until 1850, when he removed to California.

A large magazine of arms being placed in the town of Hull, they despatched thither Sir John Hotham, a gentleman of considerable fortune in the neighborhood, and of an ancient family, and they gave him the authority of governor. They sent orders to Goring, governor of Portsmouth, to obey no commands but such as he should receive from the parliament. * Rush. voL v. p. 459. Nalson, vol. ii. p. 850.