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When the internal disturbances that followed the death of Dionysius in Syracuse gave the Carthaginians freer scope, and their fleet resumed in the Tyrrhene sea that ascendency which with but slight interruptions they thenceforth maintained, it proved a burden no less grievous to Etruscans than to Greeks; so that, when Agathocles of Syracuse in 444 was making preparations for war with Carthage, he was even joined by eighteen Tuscan vessels of war.

All things which proceed from the Lord, are in an instant from first principles in last, 389. PROCREATION, sphere of the love of, 400. PROGRESSION. There is no progression of good to evil, but a progression of good to a greater and less good, and evil to a greater and less evil, 444.

The question raised by the prisoner's counsel was ruled in favor of his contention in Biemel v. State. 71 Wis. 444, decided in 1888. The day was very warm, and the jury sat without their coats. The audience, who had had time to debate and argue the question over and over, were all there ready to throng in at the opening of the doors, and sat listening, eager, anxious, and perspiring.

The Glaciers of the Alps. Being a Narrative of Excursions and Ascents, an Account of the Origin and Phenomena of Glaciers, and an Exposition of the Physical Principles to which they are related. By JOHN TYNDALL, F.R.S., etc., etc. London: John Murray. 1860. pp. xx., 444.

The hole is six feet in height, by about a yard wide at the bottom, and narrows like a wedge toward the top. The height and diameter of the bell are respectively nineteen feet four inches by twenty feet three inches. It weighs 444,000 pounds. It was cast in 1733, by order of the Empress Anne, and the hole in its side was made by the falling of some rafters during a fire in 1737.

Most of these were in New Jersey, Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania, which in 1860 had 2,741; 5,671; 5,694; and 7,573, respectively. The report on illiteracy shows further the differences resulting from the divergent educational policies of the two sections. In 1850 there were in the slave States 58,444 adult free Negroes who could not read, and in 1860 this number had reached 59,832.

"It is a grave offence," said the magistrate severely, as he contemplated the lachrymose delinquent. "An estaminet is a public place within the meaning of Section 444 of the Code Pénal. Vous avez méchamment imputé

I verily believe that if we are destroyed I shall retain regret for our failure in another world." Fashoda is 444 miles by river south of Omdurman. It is situated upon the west bank, on a low headland which at high Nile becomes an island. Before the Mahdist rising, Fashoda was a fortified Egyptian station with a garrison of 1000 men, and a native population of nearly 4000.

Why man was so created that whatever he wills, thinks, and does, appears to him as in himself, and thereby from himself, 444. How man, created a form of God, could be changed into a form of the devil, 153*. CREATION cannot be from any other source than from divine love, by divine wisdom in divine use, 183. All fructifications, propagations, and prolifications, are continuations of creation, 183.

These results are low, but it is to be remembered that the heating surface is necessarily small, in order to save weight, and the temperature of the funnel consequently high, ranging from 1,073 deg. at the first pressure, and 1,444 deg. at the 6 in.