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In settlement of the several contracts, the Union Pacific Railroad Company paid the Credit Mobilier: Hoxie Contract Miles Omaha to 100th Meridian 247 $12,974,416.24 Ames Contract 100th Meridian West 667 57,140,102.94 Davis Contract To point five miles west of Ogden 125 23,431,768.10 1039 $93,546,287.28

In the church, the impurity and the purity are similarly circumstanced, n. 431. There are a sphere of adulterous love and a sphere of conjugial love, n. 434. The sphere of adulterous love ascends from hell, and the sphere of conjugial love descends from heaven, n. 435. In each world those two spheres meet, but do not unite, n. 436.

In 431 A.D. the Universal Church Council at Ephesus assented to the doctrine that Mary was the Mother of God. Thus Ephesus, home of the great Diana, from primitive times the centre of the worship of a goddess who united in herself the virtues of virginity and motherhood, could boast of being the birthplace of the Madonna cult.

Horngarth, British steamship, 3,609 tons gross, owned in Cardiff; 33 men. La Rochefoucauld, French sailing vessel, 2,200 tons; owned in Nantes; 24 men. Perce, British schooner, 364 tons, owned in Halifax; 6 men, 1 woman. Pinmore, British sailing vessel, 2,431 tons, owned in Greenock, 29 men.

Docs., IX. 431; Belmont, Histoire du Canada; Frontenac au Ministre, 15 Nov., 1689. Montreal was wild with terror. It had been fortified with palisades since the war began; but, though there were troops in the town under the governor himself, the people were in mortal dread.

For the year ending June 30, 1858, whilst the pay and mileage amounted to $1,490,214, the contingent expenses rose to $2,093,309.79; and for the year ending June 30, 1859, whilst the pay and mileage amounted to $859,093.66, the contingent expenses amounted to $1,431,565.78.

W. Arnold, in his Wanderungen und Ansiedelungen der deutschen Stamme, p. 431, even maintains that one-half of the now arable area in middle Germany must have been reclaimed from the sixth to the ninth century. Leo and Botta, Histoire d'Italie, French edition, 1844, t. i., p. 37.

She has a population, as per the latest census, of only 320,000-odd, and yet her varieties of religion indicate the presence within her borders of samples of people from pretty nearly every part of the globe you can think of. Tabulated, these varieties of religion make a remarkable show. One would have to go far to find its match. Total,.......................320,431

The amount disbursed from that sum was $144,651,879.80, leaving a balance of $3,431,012.99 unexpended on the 30th of June, 1898, which was covered into the Treasury. There were 389 names added to the rolls during the year by special acts passed at the second session of the Fifty-fifth Congress, making a total of 6,486 pensioners by Congressional enactments since 1861.

The second great conflict, the Peloponnesian war, brought Greece to the verge of ruin, and destroyed that Athenian supremacy in which lay the true path of progress for that fair land. In 431 B.C. the war broke out.